
This movie was funny.

Good god did I hate Identity Thief. This movie completely cleansed me of that.

I'm pretty sure it's not a surprise that Danny McBride is in this movie since his face is on all the posters and he was in the trailers.

Well I don't what the opinion was on comics in the general media after the movie (as I was born in 92) but the next major superhero movie after the original Superman was Batman which came out 11 years later.

I saw it last night. Jason Segel getting splattered in blood and then screaming hysterically is never not going to be funny.

Clue has one of the best closing lines/brick jokes for a movie ever and I will forever love McKean for his role in that movie.

They're probably my favorite TV couple, but even their relationship prior to their romance was still a great friendship.

"Ok Google, we did the movie, now give me my wife and kids back!"

I concur that Debrie was probably the most tiresome new character just because she wasn't funny just sad (especially when she kept insisting that she was a lawyer and Tobias would just ignore her, that got annoying).

The constant stream of Richter Quintuplet goodness throughout the season often made up for the somewhat slower parts in each episode.

I walked out of Now You See Me with a huge lady crush on Melanie Laurent.

He looks a lot better without the curly hair too…

I totally understand that, my older sisters were into N'Sync and since I hated the thought of liking anything that they liked I went into full-blown BSB mode. Granted as I've gotten older I'll admit I like N'Sync just as much.

The Call is my favorite BSB song. I want to like this more.

"—which was originally offered to Backstreet Boys, who had to back out due to one of its members’ impending heart surgery. "

I have you beat, I was only 2. And when I was first really aware of it was in the later seasons, 7 and up, but I started seriously watching it immediately after the finale.

One of the best moments was when Chandler flubbed a joke he was saying and Monica corrected him then just called him stupid.

You know I think AVClub should bring back the "ASS" stamp from Late Night w/ Conan O'Brien. Anything with Michael Bay, stamp a big old ASS over his face.

Yes because the improbability of someone ever messaging me on Facebook was baffling especially when everyone who I would have been talking to was in the room with me.

Some buddies of mine got together recently to watch it because one of them hadn't seen it. As a whole, it's a stupid movie. But goddammit it is so quotable.