
My mom always talks about how much she loves the soundtrack to the movie, and how this was one of the last movies she saw before she started having kids again and had no life.

Whoa so that was from the show? I stopped the episode to go see if someone had messaged me on Facebook. My friends and I were all confused.


Not watching anything, gonna go in blind.

"Hanks? Dicaprio. Maguire's doing movies again. I know disappointing, take him off the official A-list. I don't have the password, Pitt's our webmaster. Well then wake him up!"

[Obligatory Zoolander quote]

I remember going to see Jumanji as a very little kid and screaming my head off when Robin Williams' child counterpart gets sucked into the game. Then my mom took me outside and the rest is a blur because we sure as shit didn't go back to finish it.

I'm still advocating for a female Crow. I mean that's going to be 5 Crow movies with the same kind of story and same male protagonist. If we're gonna trample Brandon Lee's legacy, let's trample it with boobs!

Ice to meet you.