
i thought it was "Pom", like the pomegranate juice Laird had in his fridge the day he hooked hannah up.

maybe the bugs were its friend and they were just giving the iguana a hug?


Charlie and Dee making out is immediately going in my spank bank.

I used to love Eat Me, Drink Me, it was the tour I saw Manson live. But The Pale Emperor…is a better album by far

Pretty short album, considering the last 3 songs are acoustic version of previous songs. So really, only 10 songs. but thats okay, i am so impressed by this album. his best since eat me, drink me, i think.

is it funny because "do it to it" is terrible grammar?

it is an art, just like anything else. people who have worked in the industry for years can do some amazing things with colour


Yeardley Smith was looking gorgeous in this episode. beautiful blonde hair.

that wasn't system of a down?

she was being a bit of a coward. she wanted to protect her own family more. like elysseum

they wanted to trade the flint they lost on day 2 (or whenever it was). They've been using a different flint they got from the fishing gear trade.

They've said on commentaries that they are jealous of television series that get to have on going continuity and season long story arcs. This is pretty mild so far though. This is similar to the new season of The Trailer Park Boys on Netflix. One episode just flows better into the next, without everything having to

"so much for my dreams…"

*sigh* I miss Barbara

hiring McCarthy was a mistake. The show thrives on intense disagreements on issues, and McCarthy was just too nice and..boring. The only controversy surrounding her is the anti-vaccine stuff, and they never brought it up on The View. which was spineless-ABC.

Can they just hire Mario Cantone already?

in Curb, i mostly can't stand how everyone else acts in that show. Yes, Larry is a rude asshole, but he's usually right when he points out other people's social faux pas. The other party ALWAYS overreacts and screams at Larry. is the world actually like this in the states? in from canada..

I was told SIlicon Valley "has me written all over it". but i just found the first episode boring. It's supposed to be a comedy right? Cause there weren't any jokes in it.