
That was Frank's "Go For It" dance.

Am I the only person who loved Funplex?

Poor Will made his "big" move to vote out Zeke, and he won't even get credit for it because it was over shadowed by Adam's idol play. that's a shame, kid.

I'm expecting a chicken montage at the reunion show.

i know its a tv show, and its mindy, but she was just wearing way too much makeup for being at home in your pyjamas.

Doesn't Jeremy only have 1 idol now?

Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma

The inclusion of a Sparks song over the end credits brought this series up to an A+ for me.


Those south park references were from like 15 years ago which to a modern fan made them extra cringe-worthy

as much as I love fried chicken, mac and cheese and brownies…those players bowels were not gonna be happy after that

poor Ciara looked like she was trying not to shit herself at that challenge, and they kept cutting to her! i thought for sure we were getting a follow up about her being med evacuated.

pocket shots…for nature's pocket.

upvoted for Twin Peaks FWWM

can you remind me what this is from?

Too Many Cooks

I love Five Guys but they gave me food poisoning that lasted a week once.

I thought that the whole DJ Ski mask exchange at the top of the episode between ben and mckinely was some sort of sexy role play reference. or was it just a self-aware reference to bradley cooper being absent during most of filming?

will we ever understand how to play Snaps?