
Scarface on REPEAT!

They made them cousins actually, not just friends.

i had a similar experience to Geneveive. I had a geocities fan page too! Sailor Moon was my first focus when discovering the internet.

Arya said "Fuck me bloody" in this episode instead of "Beat me bloody" in the books right? Ouch man. The books are graphic enough and they amp it up more in the show?

The bright colours, centred wide shot, slow pull out. and yes, the music.

The ending reminded me of Punch-Drunk Love

I feel like this season Lorne Michaels was sarcastically responding to the media outcrys. "No black female performers? FINE here is one. But i dont think she's that funny, so she will just do Michelle Obama impressions. Uhg you want actual comedy from a black female voice? FINE, here's one of our writers doing a bit…

Notice how we havent gotten a visit from family members this season? I wonder why.

i agree with everything you just said. I thought this movie looked terrible, and I only went to see it because I won free tickets. It was very good. Very good indeed.

Well I disagree with most of this review. I found Efron extremely lacking in the character department. And I now realize that I'm glad the movie didn't just evolve into an elaborate prank war. The pace agreed with me. My popcorn did not.
Check out my full review here:

The final 3 will be Tony, Trish and Kass. Since Kass and Tony have equal amount of hate on the jury, Trish will probably win.

"Are you a ghost?"-thats a Ghost Rider reference, yes? Ben Wyatt gets it.

I would assume Spencer just told everyone he was taking a dump while he was looking for the immunity idol. it makes perfect sense why someone would go off on their own after a food reward.

I thought maybe the April/Andy storyline was going to progress into April actually feeling that her and Andy are not right for each other. but it just petered away into nothing important. again. ahg i am sick of those two.

i like that episode cause it addresses how the issue can affect everybody, not just the mother-to-be.

"the tattoo Marshall sees every year on his birthday"
hinting that they do it in the butt once a year..right?

stories had become a coping mechanism for him.

Yeah, i was wondering why she would worry about something so seemingly arbitrary.

i wouldnt call the woman from Gilbert Grape positive

i was pretty disturbed at the Paul Giamatti romance with a girl who looks like his Grand-daughter.