
Haha, that's the second big no in this thread but it couldn't be more appropriate. Yeah it was the comic book I looked forward to each month too because it always manages to deliver. Like I said hopefully Scioli starts something up soon afterward. And on that note what has Stokoe been up too? I loved Godzilla: The

I want to see an animated adaptation of The Dark Knight Strikes again. Especially if they try to capture the book's visuals in an animated format.

The commentary is great for a book like this, mostly for the reasons you mentioned. It is a great way to get a better handle on events and helps explain the creative process behind the book.

I suppose. I'm mean it had to end at some point so let us hope that it is ending on the creators terms. I just didn't think it end so soon you know? The very fact that this crossover was an ongoing was what made it so interesting and the series really took advantage of that.

Good question. I am really unsure myself. I the article on Comics Alliance did not give any hints as to why the series was ending, at least none that I can discern.

According to the article on Comics Alliance (where Tom Scioli has written for in the past) issue 13 is the last issue.

So I just found out that Tom Scioli's Transformers vs G.I.Joe series is coming to end this June. This is rather a huge gut punch for me since this series has proven to be the most exciting and interesting comic book in my pull list. I am excited for whatever Scioli does next but man I loved all the ideas he brought to

That line perfectly encapsulates what was wrong with that movie.
I did like Troy Baker as Joker in Batman Arkham Origins though. It's kind of funny how many characters he has voiced from the Batman mythos across different interpretations. Really speaks to his versatility as a voice actor.

I know right? I think that she could really play up Lois' take no bullshit attitude and her determination.

I got accepted into Max the Mutt, an art school in Toronto that has a program that specializes in comic book illustration. It was pretty thrilling actually; I had an interview with one of the the professors and got my work critiqued in a manner that was very helpful. I learned a lot from it but at the same time the

Superman hooking up with Wonder Woman does no favours for Lois or Diana.

Also, maybe it's the hair, but I would think Adams would be better as Lana Lang. My ideal Lois would be played by either Mary Elizabeth Winstead or Rashida Jones.

You would think at the very least DC would want to turn Daily Planet Files into an official comic.

Actually I had that problem too a few times. Some times there was confusion over which panel lead to the next one and I found a few scene transitions a bit abrupt.

It's been a while since I read those articles so my remarks may not best represent the actual arguments at their core. Honestly all things considered I should probably read Kingdom Come to give it a fair shake, I just found those articles pretty interesting.
The issue with Wonder Woman isn't that she's portrayed in a

Eh, Aquaman was fine here but I don't think this portrayal holds a candle to his appearance in Batman: Brave and the Bold.
Incidentally John DiMaggio's performance is the voice I use when I read any comic featuring Aquaman, no matter what he looks like.

I do understand that it was a response to the zeitgeist of the 1990's and the popularity of the anti-hero.
To be honest my hesitation stems from reading a series of articles about Kingdom Come on a blog called Too busy thinking about my Comics (which I would highly recommend). It was mostly concerned with the subtext

Yeah and that was exactly what I was in the mood for. I haven't tried Kingdom Come yet but I don't have a real desire to pick that one up, which is why I settled for Justice instead.
Marvels is also pretty good, an interesting examination of the superhero genre.

Justice- For the most part this was a fun superhero action story but it got a little convoluted towards the end. It certainly starts out stronger than it ends, and I feel that some of the mysterious set up in the story's beginning have anti-climatic payoffs. The biggest highlight by far is the artwork by Alex Ross and

Third. I would also recommend The Goddamned, Head Lopper and the first trade of ODY-C.