
Wow I didn't release Lumberjanes was that low. Given how critically acclaimed that series is, especially in regards to how it aims at a young, female audience, I find that very surprising. Also does that mean that a company like Boom has different expectation of how well a series should be selling as opposed to Marvel

I second Godzilla: Half Century War. Especially as I'm not a Godzilla fan at all, and yet was completely engaged the whole time I was reading it.
I definitely want to give Orc Stain a shot.

One of those projects ought to be George Miller's adaptation of Tom Scioli's Transformers vs. G.I.JOE series.
That of course will never happen but a man can dream.

One of those is bound to change release dates the question is of course which one. On principle I hope for the Transformers film; you have to wonder why they would deliberately set the release date for their summer blockbuster on the same date as another. Like you said is this a deliberate attempt to screw over the

Wonder Woman: The War years- a collection of Golden Age Wonder woman stories composed by Roy Thomas. Racism aside the Golden Age Wonder Woman stories are a lot of fun to the point I wish I got a collection that contains all of the original run, instead of one that just focuses on stories tied to the War. Reading about

Joy and Sadness from Inside Out.
From Mass Effect: I've always liked Shepard and Ashley together and I've wondered what a relationship between Ashley and a female Shepard would be like. Also Thane and Samara I think would be interesting, at least because they could bound over their similarities (both are older, wiser

Actually now that you mentioned it, I remember reading someone explain why they wish Fry got together with Amy instead of Leela, and they made a pretty compelling argument. I still enjoy the Fry and Leela relationship but now I kind of wish that the show made more use of the tension between Fry and Amy.

She certainly didn't take it well upon hearing she had been recast. Neither did the other voice actors or the show's original creator. ttp://www.cartoonbrew.com/v…

I haven't read that so I wouldn't know for sure. All I can say is that the current book is Transformers vs. G.I.JOE done in the style of Jack Kirby so I would assume it's unlike previous versions. It is also worth noting that Scioli's version is an ongoing set in its own continuity and it really takes advantage of

Transformers vs G.I. JOE by Tom Scioli. It a fun and utterly imaginative story that does not require much knowledge about Transformers or G.I. JOE outside of the basic stuff absorbed from pop-cultural osmosis. I say that as someone who has no nostalgic attachment to either property. What makes the comic so great is

Do they really need to release another trailer at this stage?

Actually the only Wonder Woman stuff I have read include the George Perez illustrated post-Crisis issues, a few issues of Sensation Comics and currently the a few of her Golden Age comics. So I'm even less of an expert than you are!
Honestly my interest in Wonder Woman has less to do with her stories and more to do

Yeah the racism is really unfortunate because otherwise I could really see those comics appealing to younger fans.

I only ask because in my experience, whenever I read about people's recommendations for Wonder Woman runs, the Golden Age Comics are right at the top of their list. It goes back to what you said about writers constantly reinventing the wheel when it comes to the character, rather then building on what came before. The

Out of curiosity have you read any of the Golden Age Wonder Woman comics?

Yeah that happens in a few of the ones that were collected. It's really unfortunate since the comics that don't have any racial caricatures are actually very fun to read. For the record the name of the collection is called Wonder Woman the War Years and it was organized by Roy Thomas.

I am reading a collection of Wonder Woman comics that were published during WWII. If I get it read today I'll talk more about it tomorrow on Big Issues but I'll say right now that I am very much enjoying H.G. Peter's artwork.

It's funny; I consider myself to be more of a DC fan than a Marvel comics fan. But most of the DC stuff I read tends to be stuff that was published long before the current Nu52 stuff, like Grant Morrison's JLA or George Perez's Wonder Woman. Whether the things I have read from Marvel tend to be a mixed bag of new and

This is a little of topic but in light of the rumours about DC's upcoming Rebirth, io9 did an article about the positive and negative aspects of the Nu52 when it initially launched.