Joseph Delaney

Goddamn Nazis, don't you ruin milk for me. I will not eat my cereal with fucking Silk.

(Reads article) "Man, now I really wanna play FFVII again for the first time in like 15 years!"
(Plays FFVII) "Yeah, I'll just wait for the remake…"

And in The Grand Birdapest Hotel.

I loved him in Birdhood.

So I know that having a white man play Michael Jackson is inherently wrong. And having a black man play him in his later years would probably look ridiculous, because look at how even a white man looked in that makeup. So I guess the obvious solution is to just never have a movie based on Michael Jackson's later

There's this girl I really like, so I asked her to go to the Green Day concert. She said she never heard of them… how cool is that??

For real, how dumb are these people who keep insisting it's "Hidden Fences"?

It's just "Fences," dude. No "Hidden" in that title…

Fences and Figures both begin with F

No one is saying that this was a blatantly racist act. But it is suspicious that these two movies, whose titles only share a similar first letter, would get mixed up more than once. I'm just amazed more people didn't confuse "The Night Of" with "The Night Manager." Or that no one said "La La Land by the Sea."

It's terrifying that Trump has such a hold on his supporters. Even with video recorded evidence, so many of them still believe that he was not making fun of his disability. They simply refuse the truth, and you can't reason with people like that.

Being LGBT myself, Milo makes me particularly angry. He uses his sexuality as an excuse to get away with saying racist, sexist, transphobic and even homophobic statements. And all the alt-right neo-Nazis love him. But what he doesn't seem to get is that, if he weren't a disgusting bigot, all his fans would hate him

This election was basically The Dark Knight. Obama/Batman has been a thorn in the side of Republicans/the mob for too long, so they turn to man they don't completely understand to stop him, Trump/The Joker, who only seeks to bring out the worst in society. Obama/Batman turns to Hillary/Harvey Dent to carry on the

I can understand those cases, as I do for children who brainwashed into anything. I'm talking about grown ass adults who join the cult.

I'm sorry if this makes me an asshole, but I really don't have much sympathy for the people who fall for Scientology's scam. If you don't know that they're frauds by now, then you're willingly ignorant.

Seriously, did you write this movie? I've never seen someone get so passionate about defending a flop movie.

You wanna tell me how Brock Turner was misunderstood? And wow, I just noticed that your username shares a name with a famous song that doesn't seem to understand consent either.

I didn't know it was human to kill and rape someone. (yes, he doomed her to die along with him, and yes, he manipulated her into having sex with him) Go back to Breitbart.

You know a year is bad when society has collectively personified it as a merciless, sociopathic specter of death and despair. 2016 was like, I'll be nice and let Carrie Fisher live… an extra two days. That'll make it even worse.

Good. You don't give bigots a platform. Humanizing these piece of shit will only further strengthen their disgusting cause.