Joseph Delaney

I've asked before and I'll ask again. Does anyone know why most entertainment publications do their "best of the year" lists in early December? This often excludes great works that come out in the final days of the year (RTJ3, Beyoncé's self-titled album, Black Messiah), and I just don't get why they can't wait till

You're getting pretty defensive about this character. Is this character like your uncle or something? And considering how much you're defending it, I'm a little concerned about your current/future relationships…

Sorry that I don't wanna root for a protagonist who dooms his love interest because he got a boner.

All the people complaining about the price are so entitled. This is an actual game, and unfortunately, those cost money. This Is one of the most fun and polished mobile games I've ever played, and it was well worth the $10 I paid for it. Far better than 99% of the mobile trash games that are "free to play."

I'm sorry, but Manchester is pure, shameless Oscar bait. It has good acting, but the story is so standard, so clichéd, that I'm shocked that it's getting so much attention. There are only so many times I can watch white guys with troubled pasts deal with their guilty consciences and try to move on.

Two ways this movie could've gone (Spoiilers)
1. Chris Pratt is a creepy weirdo who dooms Jennifer Lawrence on purpose for his own selfish needs, and when she finds out, becomes the villain. Or…
2. Chris Pratt accidentally wakes up Jennifer Lawrence while trying to fix his own pod, and even though she's upset about his

Orange is the New Black. I watched each season in a matter of days, but have never rewatched any episodes, because there really are no standouts. I think it's the flashback structure that makes revisiting it unappealing.

The election of Trump may have actually been the final nail in the coffin of satire. Because when reality has become this ridiculous, there's really nothing else for satire to do.

Bro, I AM a racist, and I only get called a racist like 3-4 times a week. You must be exceptionally racist.

Trump's walking back much of what helped him get elected. He's even told his supporters to stop harassing minorities. But unfortunately, he's the one who inspired his basket of deplorables to share their bigotry with the world. He's opened Pandora's box, and there's no way he can close it now just by politely asking

If Die Hard was made for the Blue Lives Matter crowd:

Watching this again recently, I have to say that there is some pretty blatant misogyny at play in this story. Nurse Ratched is, objectively speaking, not all that bad of a villain. She's kind of cold, yeah, but all of her "evil" deeds are really just her following policy. Even her most awful moment, threatening to

Stuff happens in soccer? Every game I've seen has consisted mostly of European guys crying on the ground because they fell down.

Netflix is starting to get a little too cocky. Every month, they keep removing the classic movies and TV shows that made people want the service and replacing them with their original content, and while some of it is great (Bojack, OITNB, Stranger Things), much of it is mediocre or downright awful. I hope they don't

Forrest Gump (the film) was all about the virtue of ignorance, how being blissfully unaware of the world around you led to a better life, and thus made you a better person. So it's very possible that this mentality has led to the Trump movement. So for that, fuck you Forrest Gump.

SJW > Alt-Right

Gaming culture has become depressingly right-wing, sexist, racist, and homophobic.

I was just visiting one of those alt-right websites (IGN, to be exact) and there are people in the comment section who believe that Gerald's trolling is representative of the "Jew media" using their power to incite racial and gender division. These are real people…

a derogatory term used by MRA assholes to describe male feminists. it's short for "cuckhold," who is someone who watches other men fuck their wife.

Not everyone who disliked this movie was a neckbearded MRA misogynist. And not everyone who liked this movie was a feminazi cuck. Seriously, how the hell did a Ghostbusters movie become the most divisive pop culture event of 2016?