Joseph Delaney

Also Alt-Right: Businesses should have the right to deny employment and service to gay people.

Out on the road today, I saw a "9/11 was an inside job" sticker on a Cadillac…

I was gonna say that his handwriting and spelling are terrible for a 9-year-old, but then I realized he's a Trump supporter, and then it all made sense.

“Who’s to say that young girls who like pop music—short for popular, right?—have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy?” Wow! Harry Styles made a shout out to the AV Club. How cool!

Ok. I personally won't kill any of them. But I would be more than happy to see Richard Spencer murdered. And all Nazis. That would certainly stop them.

Advocating for ethnic cleansing is violence, bro.

No, but it sure made him scared. I want Nazis to live in fear.

If I see Spencer walking around with his Nazi haircut and glasses on, trust me, I will.

Those "thoughts and words" are condoning ethnic cleansing, bruh. Spencer deserves far worse than a punch in the face.

If Indiana Jones punches Nazis, then we all should punch Nazis. Seriously, the dude advocates ethnic cleansing, a punch in the face is better than he deserves.

Who's the pale bald guy with glasses they have filling in for Larry Wilmore?

Next up on AVQ&A: What 20th Century German Dictator just drives you crazy?
The answers may surprise you!

2016 was like Seasons 1-3 of Game of Thrones, just a whole lotta bad shit happening to good people, and to society in general.
2017 is kinda like Season 4: Still lots of bad shit happening, but at least some of it's happening to the bad guys now.

I loved Breath of the Wild, and I hope future Zelda games keep its amazing open world design. However, I certainly hope that proper dungeons get reintroduced in future installments. I didn't find the Divine Beasts to be bad dungeons, but they didn't provide any memorable moments, and they all felt quite similar. If

I love this game, but personally found the ending to be underwhelming. I know that I shouldn't let my personal expectations for where the story was going impact how I feel about the final product, but SPOILER ALERT…
… I was expecting Zelda to either be dead and in spirit form (like the Champions), or an old woman,

I have a lot of libertarian friends, and most of them fall into two categories:
1. They're actually just liberals who have conservative parents or conservative friends, and don't wanna upset them too much.
2. They're hopeless idealists who believe in the all-powerful "invisible hand of the market," which will make

The sad part is that, while her refusal to clap definitely spoke volumes, had she been any more vocal about this subject, she could seriously endanger her career in Hollywood, considering how much clout the Affleck Bros. and Matt Damon have. Shit, even this modest protest might harm her chances of getting good roles.

Shitty movies got nominated and even won before it was expanded past 5 nominees (Crash, Godfather 3, Benjamin Button). And big crowd pleasing event movies got nominated and even won before the expansion (Titanic, Lord of the Rings, Silence of the Lambs). The Oscars have always been hit and miss, mostly miss, and

Whiplash>Birdman and Boyhood

La La Land is 2016's Birdman: an entertaining, but flawed celebration of showbiz. Moonlight is 2016's Boyhood, in fact, I think it's actually even better. And because the Oscars are the Oscars, the outcome will most likely be the same.