
Yeah, that was severely unfunny. C for effort.

Water is wet and white people are overly sensitive.

No, Walt didn't outsmart them. He got lucky that the Aryans showed up at the right moment. As Jesse pointed out to Hank, Walt isn't just smart, he's lucky as hell.

It kind of boggles the mind that they were going to off Jesse early in Breaking Bad's run since he's so deeply woven into the show (though if I had the opportunity to watch an alternative universe BB without Jesse, I'd do it).

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus That's one reason I like Justified. The criminals are not middle classed, evil geniuses like Gus Fring and Walter White. They're generally uneducated, dumb, impulsive, and oftentimes tripped up by their own mistakes or greed. That seems more realistic.

Please. Arya's like, 11 or so in the show. Going out of your way to point out a pre-adolescent's numbskullery just makes you look unbearably smug.

Perhaps dropping the letter is foreshadowing for Pycelle stabbing Tyrion in the back later

Yara is much drearier and sterner than Asha. Besides the initial scenes when she's screwing with Theon, we haven't seen her being the wild, independent woman that Asha was. As with Mance, the show version of the character is missing a sense of humor/lightness.

@avclub-bf59aaafb2d7eef459b48b5a0d49fac4:disqus She still has to fuck him to consummate the marriage. Loras is the heir to Highgarden and has to have heirs. Now that everyone in the Seven Kingdoms has heard about the twincest thanks to Stannis, I don't think she can get away with passing off more purely

That's not true. Daenerys's people were Valyrians and they came from Essos.  Illyrios Mopatis and Varys are both from the Free Cities in Essos and look white. So does Shae. The Andals, who conquered Westeros from the First Men, are also white-looking and originally came from Essos.

What? The Andals came from Essos, as did the Valyrians. They are both generally Euro-looking. The Free Cities are generally Euro-looking. Essos in generally is a much more ethnically diverse continent than Westeros.

Ha, I forgot about that. Maybe someone decided to have Jon get generously feathered as a subtle tribute to Sean Bean's final scene in The Fellowship of the Ring.

Gendry does not have a last name, which is the case for all low-born bastards (and low-born people in general). Only noble bastards get the region-specific surnames.

There were definite homoerotic undertones to the torture scene. That's not new, actually. Go back and rewatch the earlier torture scenes if you can stomach it—there's definitely a sexually sadomasochistic aspect to almost all of their scenes together.

@avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus Theon managed to take Winterfell with very few men because of a diversion he had created. Ser Rodrick had taken all of Winterfell's armed men to defend another castle, so they were completely vulnerable. It was just unarmed old men, women, and children left. He was able

Edmure Tully has hair. Roose Bolton is bald. It doesn't seem that hard to distinguish between them (and I generally think all middle-aged white men look the same).

@avclub-ca6cb47da12090ffd2470daf51f71be1:disqus Jesus christ, do you hear yourself? Were non-'barbarian' peoples pacifists? Did the Romans or Normans never rape or pillage or slaughter innocents? Conveniently, 'barbarians' were always those other guys over there and it was helpful if those other guys over there looked

The fact that the Game of Thrones universe is fictional and based on previous real human civilizations doesn't mean it gets to avoid criticism about the kinds of images the showrunners, writers, and George R. R. Martin himself have chosen to depict. The fact that it's fictional actually makes it MORE of a target for

nevermind wrong place

@blooptaabi:disqus Actually, the showrunners did fuck up this detail. The slaves in Essos are much more ethnically diverse in the books. There are slaves from 'white' cities/countries as well as non-Euro-looking slaves. They looked uniformly brown on the show, which made the entire scene incredibly cringe-worthy.