
I wouldn't spend a dime on a MARVEL comic today,now that The Mouse in the house.

Anybody remember Woods' last TV role?
Right. A prosecuting attorney nicknamed "SHARK".
Come to think of it,Woods has always played sleazeball characters.
So this story should come as no big surprise.
Plus, he's an archconservative Republican(The worst kind)..

You're right. Dames get more respect in Britain.

I'll be watching for their debut album.
In fact,now would be a good time for a Runaways-style girl band.
Their musical style should be combo of Runaways/Bangles/Destiny's Child.

Would anyone like to make a wager as to when Trump will divorce Melania and try to pursue Megyn Kelly?

VERY SMART career move ,Mr. Keaton.
It was actually the villains that carried BATMAN FOREVER.
Most notably Jim Carrey's Riddler.
Keaton's Batman wouldn't have meshed too well with the other characters
like O'Donnell's Robin or Nicole Kidman's Dr. Chase Meridian.
As much as I personally enjoyed BATMAN FOREVER,I recommend

It's said that one sign of The End Of Days is the total lack of anything original in entertainment.
The River of Remakes and Reboots is taking us over a waterfall.
Could somebody check either The Book of Revelation or
Prophecies of Nostradamus and verify this,so I don't sound
like a Roasted Chicken Little?
Although the

The greatest work of his Genesis years—hands down—was
I'm still waiting to see Cirque Du Soleil do something
with THIS one.
They're the only ones who could give it justice.
What do YOU think?

Of course,you mean the Original, NOT the Pierce Brosnan remake.
I would also recommend you check out:
The Cincinnati Kid
The Magnificent Seven(again, I say ,THE ORIGINAL)
The Getaway(Original)
The Sand Pebbles
You're quite welcome.
Merry Christmas,Happy Hanukkah,Happy Kwanzaa.

Anybody notice that since the election has come and gone,there's more news about movies/shows with women in major roles?
Some,like TOP OF THE LAKE, sound quite impressive.
I actually want to see where ROGUE ONE will take the Star Wars saga
(without the name Skywalker anywhere on sight).
2017 might be an interesting year

Add DIE HARD 1&2, and GREMLINS to that list.

I still say Depp would have been better off with Winona.
They had a bond that you could actually feel onscreen.
Winona is her own woman,not a golddigging slut.

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Rush over the years.
My personal favorites are '2112' and 'Permanent Waves'.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong,but I think THAT was the album featuring the great song "Spirit of Radio".
What grabbed me about Rush was the intelligence of their lyrics.
In their songs,they never called

Let me clear this up for ALL WHO READ THIS:

Millennials don't know what real talent is or what it takes to develop it,since they were raised on sequels,remakes,and reboots.
The most Original character of their generation is Harry Potter,and the good thing about that is IT GOT YOUNG PEOPLE INTERESTED IN READING MORE AND WATCHING TV LESS.
Sadly,the Millennials are

Sarah Paulson is the Meryl Streep of TV.

You'll be able to buy The Complete Series of both these shows on DVD/BluRay,
and bingewatch to your hearts' content….with NO COMMERCIALS,AND you won't have to wait a whole season.

This would make a good storyline for the next season of AMERICAN HORROR STORY.
Way better than the previous season.
The story itself could carry the show, no need for a big name guest star(Lady Gaga),no over-the-top sex acts.
Really ,it would be a low-calorie thriller just right for the TV palette.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

You BOTH need to stop putting Prozac in your coffee.