
i was really confused by the ending of the 2nd episode, with madison staring at a wooden box (coffin?), and her giving a backpack to walker (with otto's head??). can someone explain?

Have we ever got the notion that lily is not smart, or not popular??

Such cringeworthy dialogue this episode. "That's a lot of infrastructure". Yuck

i got so excited in anticipation of the final vote and cheered when it read JT. this season has been great

this episode didn't have the best plot, but it did definitely have the most laugh out loud jokes of any episode this season

yeah it's pretty sad how she is consistently ignored. ever since that one episode where she visits a therapists and opens up to her mom, its been all downhill

since when did alex work at a coffee shop?? i feel like she's been such a criminally underused and underdeveloped character these past few seasons

Usually bullpens have 7 or 8 pitchers, with long men (pitchers who can go 3+ innings in relief), setup guys, specialists, and closers. If a game is close a manager might employ the majority of their pitchers in a game. And if they pitched a significant amount of innings or pitches, they would be unavailable for the

Best episode of the season by far. So many laugh out loud moments for me (albeit they were mostly ridiculous puns, "for no reason I've been carrying around this red herring").

The Sprite cutaway in the cast party skit could be considered "integrated advertising"

Love the show, applaud it's attempt at trying to be authentic, but not one single time have I ever heard a game described as a "beanball" game

was really hoping they weren't gonna go down the "islamic terrorist" road, but here we are…

this show sorta reminds me of The Last Ship on TNT. while that dealt with a deadly virus killing most of the government (and most of the world's population) and the military side of putting things back together, i think Designated Survivor will have many similarities but on the political and bureaucratic side of

Why in the world is ice so important in a zombie apocalypse? Lukewarm water not luxurious enough?

the whole time jason was talking to theo about "defectives" i though theo would mention something about Hitler, but then i realized jason probably has no idea who hitler even is haha. but yes the hitler references and parallels were very obvious

any theories on the story behind the *other* top secret file for David Clarke? is that someone we've met before?

a few things:
- overall funny episode, with some great lines
- agreed that there was just too much going on
- please axe all speaking lines from joe, he contributes nothing

amazing piece of dialogue here

was it explained how nick escaped? was he with strand on the raft?
