
wait, can someone explain the "gustavo fring anagram" thing mentioned here??

true, she's just…there, with no specific storyline, except for maybe the Sanjay thing but that was for like a combined 2 minutes tonight

is she even still in school? has that been mentioned at all since the beginning of the season?

that was actually my immediate thought when the plotline was introduced!

so was that his sister or not? that part confused me

i actually thought this was one of the funniest episodes of the season. i absolutely lost it when diane started smothering jack

is this the first mention/assumption that Alex has been sexual

you betcha

might be a reach, but when samberg says "slug life", it could be a shoutout to his (and my) school, UCSC — that has a slug as a mascot.

pretty funny episode, and pretty good plot, but does anyone else find it odd that a parent visits their kid at college, much less multiple times?? i know it makes the storytelling more convenient, but let's be real now

i really love the whole "cryopreservation/freezing" theory, and after reading through these comments i think the biggest thing people are overlooking is the newborn baby the nurse was holding in the hospital. did someone who was pregnant get captured and they had their baby while "frozen"? something along those lines?

can't remember an episode being as bad as this one.

is this the first time someone has attempted to create a hidden immunity idol? it seemed pretty genius, but myself, being a newcomer to survivor after a 10 year hiatus, seems to think this isnt that revolutionary of a tactic.

excuse my ignorance, i havent watched survivor in 10 years and have forgotten all strategy, but why was jenn not an easy target to vote out? almost everyone voted for her last episode, only to see her pull out an idol. why did the vote switch to hali? are jenn and hali interchangeable?