Richard Walsh

Presumably they won't flash forward 50 years and what may or may not happen the characters after the cameras stop rolling is anyone's guess. I took it as just his feelings on where they would each end up.

There could barely be any less of Shosh. I don't know why they marginalised her character so.

They stopped doing baskets? That's just one cracking episode after another. Maybe it's too easy to review? Or too hard to find commenters to shit on it and generate discussion.

If it's got too hard to be funny for a sitcom writer then the honourable thing is to just stop. A handful of shows have stayed funny through 8 seasons but the rest of them just ruined their legacy by hanging on too long.


Hello Ladies.

Who really gives a damn how he died at this stage? Dragging such trivial detail out for another year… he's going to need to get ripped asunder by feral poodles or fart himself to death in front of the Latvian ambassador for it to raise an eyebrow at this stage.

Sanjay looks about ten years older than Randall, who's only 36. Plus, he's Indian, he doesn't automatically get all the magic beans and fairy dust and gold wands that white men are all given in America.

You could kind of go along with his lack of objectivity wrt Marnie and what a mess she is but backing up Desi's mountain of horseshit… fire that guy.

It's amazing that people still know or care what time shows 'air' at in this day and age.

What is the baseline for these grades? Is an A based on a reasonably funny episode of this particular show or is it based on the same basis as an actually good programme? Not only is Modern Family a lame duck beating a dead horse with nary a chuckle to be mined, but the review itself could barely be described as luke

Why do they make public the names of people charged with crimes and the alleged crimes before the court case is even opened? Who gains from that? It seems like it's open to so much abuse and perversion of the course of justice and really only done to feed the gossip chuggers.

Lady and the tramp with the spaghetti and meatballs.

Not a chance. Even if they write it all down it would be public domain fan fiction at best.

I can't stand the guy. I hated him in Nurse Jackie and he seems to be playing a variation of him here.

Right on… Marie

And yet he'll always be Lovejoy

Tell that to the 25 year old virgin on accutone

Jesus that's real through the looking glass stuff. Not only are Cindy in Texas views wrong because she doesn't agree with you but she actually doesn't exist because she has an alternate viewpoint! There's life outside the echo chamber, Kim

Jesus, do you have to work hard to miss a salient, well-presented point so completely or is it a natural gift?