Richard Walsh

Yeah, that's my point. The review makes out that the glamorous lives of the Insecure characters is representative of the struggle of black Americans, which is like saying Entourage accurately depicts the hardships of the working poor of middle America.

If the black male experience involves a relationship with Issa Rae and having two hot women buy me a load of beer and shagging me, sign me up. I'll even subject myself to the horror of being pulled over and let let go without a ticket.

I'm boltin like Ramsey.

Says he, repeating his post from earlier.

Are Cersei and Gatiss in KL or in Braavos? The gold has to actually get to the bank, surely?

I think I know why one of the world's best stouts changed its name now
(It temporarily rebranded as Cease and Desist)

I just noticed the actor's name is Jim Yang.

Gavin, Bighead and Monica are all gay.

Barry obviously ate the cracker

They do it every season. Irene, Mycroft, Moreland… and then just completely forget about them. Like Joan's family and her dead fiancé

I thought it was his sister the whole time but mother makes sense now.

If you haven't watched Pulling yet let me recommend it.

She started and ran her own business.

Gus is Chilean, no?

You had School or you're a classy lady?

It's almost as bad as Giancarlo Esposito's. At least they spared us having to listen to both in Gus' office by having them speak English.

Like, playing triplets?

Do you like, stop halfway through taking a shit to go make a sandwich and go on Facebook?

I recommend you never watch Louie in that case.

Where do people see Lena Dunham if they don't watch Girls?