Richard Walsh

Strange that he would refer to Jack as the protagonist. What exactly gives him that distinction in an ensemble show?

Is there ANY evidence of that or is it just a lazy slur? I picked the first ten shows matching your criteria and every single one had AV reviews.

I hope they will actually go ahead and flesh out Jack as a multidimensional character as they've been hunting at an not just have him get drunk once and die in a car crash. We need to see the dark side of him (and Rebecca could do with a little shade) otherwise it's just another waste of time. At the very least give

His whole sullen Mr. Perfect schtick is just tiresome and dull. I loved the way the kid played the younger Randall as a genuinely lovable kid who understood and leant into his differences but the adult Randall just comes across as a humourless martyr. Beth's whole silently furious holier-than-thou routine is another

My TV guide had it listed as 16/16 and there's nothing listed for the rest of the month but if there are more episodes all well and good.

It's a pity this show is mangled into the format it's in. It could be so much better in a 12 episode season with long arcs instead of what amounts to a weekly game of speed chess. What exactly is going on in Joan or Marcus or Gregson's lives, does anyone know? Or Sherlock and his family? They allocate about 5 minutes

A wretchedly poor episode. A finale wasted on the dull Randall and his insufferable poppa as TIU shows it has no interest in anything beyond simplistic emotional manipulation. 45 minutes of 'dying man dies'. The show started so well but it seems to have run out of actual stories very quickly.

As many recent essays and oral histories have argued, Girls has had an outsize influence on television that it doesn’t get credit for, at least not as much as it once did

If you've soldered a piece badly it could but it sounded like every piece just fell apart as soon as it reached a certain spin speed.

Yeah, essentially Toby treats her no better than Duke, he's just more subtle about it. Both come at her like she should be grateful for the attention. Toby is all about being the romantic, getting the girl, but I imagine you could replace Kate with any other woman and he'd act the same way. She's basically just a

It's a kind of unilateral thing though. If one party is not ready to get married then it would be weird to force them.
Illegal even.

Hmm nope. Both are used over here and are inoffensive. Fanny is kind of childish but not exactly a serious insult.

That's hilarious! 'twat' is about as inoffensive as you can get on the east side of the Atlantic.

So how do these alternative irwpoints actually work? If it's a 'live' version of events then the details are way too different for it to make sense, short of a mass outbreak of aphasia, but if it's based on poor recollection how does Noah recall word for word a conversation he couldn't understand. Are we supposed to

Oh God, no… MoS cancelled?? The bastards

How does a panic room lock from the outside? That was a rape dungeon.

It was a massive moment for Helen but a throwaway detail for Allison. She may have presumed Helen knew. I don't believe they actually discussed telling Cole's mother or the police, Helen just remembered it that way. It was a big deal for Helen not because it diminishes her guilt that Alison pushed Scotty into the road

So in America white men decide how black women think about black, white and Asian men, is that it?

DOH's poxy accent kind of did my head in.

Is it a typo of laffable?