Richard Walsh

How does it make the threat of suing/jail go away?

Estonia has literally the fastest broadband on earth. It works as a joke about US cultural ignorance but not when it's actually a deciding factor in the app's performance. For an episode so focused on anal retentiveness it seems like an easy setup for internet comment geeks to froth at the mouth over.

I don't think Tim is a huge fan of the US government. He might not instinctively think of Russians as the bad guys.

OK… except you clearly did. And didn't, respectively

None of you ever seem to acknowledge the failings of the main character, which are the best part of the show BTW.

I don't get the hate for him myself. He's far from the worst character.

I always got the impression Marcus was gay, or just didn't like himself much. I would love to do most of that arcane stuff he knows about in new York but would really prefer not to have to do it with him so it makes sense to me.

We see about three minutes of Mindy's life outside the office where Danny no longer works. What makes you think he's no longer around? She mentioned him several times in this episode. And still you guys drone on about the now absent Danny being a dick while Mindy is at her most obnoxious yet towards the nurses.

Ah it's not. It's a decent stab at a Limerick accent. Better than Cooper's Texas accent in any case.

the main thrust of the joke is selina asking her what she's doing for thanksgiving an being oblivious to the fact that Marjorie is working, alongside her, for the holiday.

What kind of weirdo gets attached to a CGI dog with 30 seconds of screentime to its name?

Nah, his two-line appearance was him espousing the fact that there are no small parts. A bit meta but fun all the same.

Asbaek's strong Danish accent is off putting. Fair enough if he's been away for years and no longer sound northern as fook like the rest of the iron islanders but him sounding ESL is stupid. Now I'm looking forward to Sidse Babette Knudsen showing up as an ultra posh cousin of the Tyres.

What agency is she with?

It doesn't even need to have existed. People can discuss it to their hearts content nor without having to go through the laborious prices of actually watching it. More time to pontificate about the meaning of every scene that wasn't actually filmed

Think of the magazine sales!

It's a bit of a Nevahda/Nevawda thing

No, mister Bond, I expect you to die!

Hmm, I guess she's on a hiding to nothing then. Trying to satirise someone as ridiculous as Trump is an impossible job.

It's hardly something that gets brought up in relation to 69 year old Hilary Clinton, is it?