Richard Walsh

I'd say about 80% of World leaders are sociopaths. It's pretty much a requirement in a job where, no matter how well intentioned you are, every decision you make will cause people to suffer.

She was the worst!

Are you a committed supporter of Hammass? Would you also be a fan of Hisbollocks?

I remember this one show called Felicity that had a fairly likable teenage girl.

I assumed the threads where the lid screws on.

The AV Club
At least their threads don't leak

It's always been Haus of Scheisse to me

That quickly gets confusing watching Irish films.

Does he swing that way? Is he TranSexual?

She was easily in the top six most beautiful women in the episode

Pff, who gives a shit what internet people say. Besides, Aziz Ansari told us that nobody wants to see TWO Indian people headlining a show.

Mindy's throwing around obliviously offensive remarks is one of the mainstays of the show. She's like a diminutive Prince Philip with a gorgeous smile. Despite their tedious obsession with finding offence in everything a lot of viewers seem to either miss this or gloss over it because the internet hasn't quite told

The only people who feel this way are the parents, in my experience. While clever, the joke is not really grounded in reality.

Well, when you consider how many Cubans have made their way to the States it's probably safer that they take that temptation away.

The thought that Rico Rodriguez makes 75 grand a week for being the unfunniest, least sympathetic, wooden actor in comedy boils my piss

He's maybe an American alcoholic in that one time he had a little too much to drink, but not by any normal definition of the word.

The Jerry/Gary/Larry/Toby of Veep

He's both, a kind of idiot savant. We never really knew how he got to the position he's in with the apparent political acumen of an artichoke but now we begin to see why. His website is a very good illustration of who he is

People think Josh is hot? He's thick as two short planks, bless him. Maybe a teenager's ideal but hard to see why grown women would be into him.

So, nothing to contribute and basically just here to spoil the episode for everyone who doesn't watch the previews for that exact reason? Sterling work.