Richard Walsh

I'm sure there's a club for people who get their rocks off on being permanently offended. Some of them might post here.

In America you have to pay top dollar to hear 'cunts'. You couldn't make it up!

There's nothing left for him to do but defect at this stage. I can imagine at the Rezidentura they're asking themselves: "What if Gaad was one of us?"

I always thought it made the idea of Russians living undetected as Americans that bit more believable. Sunderland is pretty much Soviet Russia.

Police cumpleanos

You'd think that would be obvious. Are the dweebs who pollute the comment section with their incessant blubbering about Chris Messina and the show not being realistic representative of its audience? It must be a tough gig writing a show for these people.

I'm not convinced there's much comedy/drama potential in a show where everyone is happily married and has their shit together. What would be the point?

This was the funniest episode in a while. If you're not obsessed with Danny and shows having a powerful, right-on message all the time there are lots of laughs. Have you ever seen Nick Miller? Do you spend your time worrying about his health or the message he sends to you men about having some direction in your life

Does the fact that you'd go to such lengths for a crappy free holiday not pretty much prove you are Jewish anyway?

I know you can expect it. People are dicks, such is the world. Still annoying as hell when it happens and you haven't seen something yet.

Hannah correcting the emcee's pronunciation while thinking Horváth is a Polish name was a cute touch.

Is a weasel like an otter?

I missed that. I thought it was just a juvenile reference to both the biathlon and Ray being gay.

Yeah, Danny was always a bit of a prick, and always a bit of a stand up guy. Mindy's honeymoon period with him was always going to give the illusion that he had reformed and transformed but that's just the normal combination of him making more of an effort to be nice and she overlooking the flaws (and vice versa) and

I'm so glad I watch none of these shows you people are all spoiling to bits.

Stray observstion: did anyone else get the vibe that Richie kind of likes cocaine?

Yeah, she was obviously nuts. Her scene was the most uncomfortable of the series for me.

So you watched the show and liked it, then you read that other people didn't like it and you stopped. Now you want someone to tell you if you should watch it again? Dafuq?

Well it was protestant whisky, to be fair

You people like the spoilers. It twatalates you