Richard Walsh

How is there a right way to show rape in a TV show? That's absurd

Or on medcal bills. Either or.

Move to an icy country full of tall, skinny, blue-eyed people? Suuuure, that'll work out just fine.

still hanging around spoilering shit?

I think they could have worked something in like Richard puts in a good word for Seth with Interpornwhaterver who hire him and after PP delete all the files they realise that while it's bad they can at least just get interscatwhatsit to restore their backup, whereupon Seth has to choose between keeping his new job and

That totally pulled me out of the scene. Quoting Withnail and I just seems a little anachronistic for a Lannister

Except Joan, who took two other men's names and made something of them.

Or her black father from Guinea?

Louie still has two episodes left

Unless they're cops, like Keith in Six Feet Under or Cooper in Southland.