The one time the writers decided to go for historical accuracy, and she sues…
The one time the writers decided to go for historical accuracy, and she sues…
I'd suck his dick like a woolly mammoth.
I know, hypocrites hate the truth. Being exposed like that must hurt.
Needed more Dracula and less 'Trevor'.
You can't make a mustache look real in close ups. Despite advances in CGI, nothing you add to the face looks real enough.
Did you miss creepy Leia? It didn't even look real from afar without much lighting.
That'll show 'em! But I suppose venting your anger into this is much better than voting for a clown monster.
You mean use a urinary alkalinizer?
You can't control cheese. Use a chafing dish over a flame as suggested above to keep it warm.
They shouldn't care about it, so either is fine.
Yeah, but he has the gall to be honest about it, instead of smiling and eating shit about "the best job in the world". Surely we have to mention that constantly! I mean we can't let these celebs fall out of line. We already have grumps like Harrison Ford messing up by not eating any shit! Gotta keep these assholes in…
I actually have to, because oddrake is into it. So far the episodes have been fine.
Boy, this Game of Thrones episode was something. They're always playing for that big throne! It's like… they never stop!
I don't understand why they keep getting lots of big names for that Agatha Christie shit, again and again. Not even Meryl Streep could make an outdated murder mystery interesting.
Yeah, you should definitely get to tell people how to live their lives based on the impact you choose to let them have on your life…
You mean Resurrection Day Special?
Where's my fucking 6 Days, 7 Nights reboot?
And less blackmail!
Nope, she might miss an episode, but you still won't get your precious space.
In your opinion?
Sure, sincerely. Not a random marketing thing.