
But when you're talking about an art form, it's a little weird to say "all this art is wrong and here are stats to show you why *I* think so." Now artists have to go out of their way to please women by including them in their art? That just sounds ridiculous to me. Yes, it's a business but the most popular films seem

There are definitely less bad female lead films than male lead films. Maybe because there's less OF them, but I'd take quality of quantity for movies any day.

Yes. We all remember his timeless work in Avatar. And the female actors I've named are better action stars than he is, sorry to say.

You need to shut up. I know that was MY point you donut.

By popular demand, no less.


It was my reply to him after his only rebuttal to me was TWO "shut ups" see below. :P

Again, nothing makes everyone happy. I think that list speaks to great quality for female roles more than anything.


The numbers are low, i agree. But women are represented well there and they have great roles. Branching out from the female, single, architect/waitress role.

hah damn.

Shut up.

Yeah. True. They do exist though and they are pretty great. It takes time to make such a big shift, which I think is happening now.



I think that's the nature of them though :P

The fact that they ARE 15+ years old should say a lot. There are many, many more.

Mila Jovovich? Jennifer Garner? Michelle Rodriguez? Angelina? Lucy Liu?

Just off the top of my head, movies with great female roles that should please the nay-sayers and remind everyone great female movies exist: Kill Bill 1 and 2, Legally Blonde, Charlies Angles, Winter's Bone, Steel Magnolias, Mr and Mrs. Smith, Erin Brockovich, The Help, Juno, The Heat, The Hunger Games, The Wizard of

I think you're right. But that still doesn't mean my findings are wrong.