
Pete? Pete Parker? Watch that first step, it's a doosy! Also, with great power comes great responsibility.

Yeah, the Internet will store all our collected knowledge. Until the electricity goes dark.

Don't climb towers, don't touch magic roots… To hell with your rules!

Just like the 80s

Between that line, the "he can't blow your life like I can" line, and his fabulous intro crashing his motorcycle when he shows up a week late, Paul Rudd is totally killing it acting exactly like himself.

I imagine they sold Weird Al on this part just by saying "John Hamm unzips himself from inside you"

And then hours later the store and it's old man caretaker are perfectly fine again.

Thank God we live in a country where shit like this matters. I mean, can you imagine if we had real problems like unsustainable health care costs, rapidly dwindling job opportunities, or an educational system that succeeds only in pumping out mindless consumers?

Actually, this idea goes way back. I remember playing Friday the 13th on the NES and being amazed (and terrified) by the fact that if you failed to respond to Jason's appearance in time, the hapless campers would get killed.

Lord. Palmserton.

While it became formulaic, I think Ellin was trying to counter the scenes of excessive indulgence with the constant threat that when you're operating at that level, you can just as quickly lose it all.

Yeah one of the better story arcs is when his terrible acting gets Smokejumpers shut down. But I thought his wooden acting was part of the satire, and what made it even funnier was that Grenier didn't seem to be in on the joke.

Why is Marty McFly hanging out with Don Draper?

What's the purpose?

What? I honestly have no idea what your argument is.

I honestly don't get the outrage. Horrible things happen to people all the time on this series. People act like just because Sansa had like 4 week's of pervy Littlefinger's traning montage she should be able to out-Cersei the best psychopaths Westeros has to offer.

I think it kind of set the whole dreamy feel to the episode that made me question whether it really happened. I was glad to see that mentioned in the review.


Looking at the hashtags in Lisa Frank's post make me think she doesn't know how hashtags work.

In retrospect, that episode feels like a fever dream. Did it really even happen?