
Sometimes, though the times we used it were for aesthetics. Some flavors look better with a cloudy texture.

We wanted it to be vegetarian-friendly, so that was never an option. Fun fact, most 'cloudy' sodas get that effect thanks to vegetable oil. YUM!

I worked at Jones back at that time and one of my jobs was working with the suppliers on flavor profile approvals. The year before the 5 pack was the first year of Turkey & Gravy and we went through some BRUTAL incarnations of samples trying to get it right. Like there was one that actually came in to the office with

* ==3

I knew I was thinking of the wrong album the minute I hit submit, I was thinking of Monster as the album a lot of the core hated. Hi-Fi was mostly a return to form.

I always lump New Adventures in Hi-Fi in with Zooropa. Weird experimental soundig albums that the core fanbase hated at the time. I love them both.

Of course they 'no longer have a relationship', Subway's about to turn 50. Jared prefers to be involved with a fast food chain founded in 2001.

Joel McHale is kinda mostly from here too…

Great Falls is in Montana. This pizza place is in Granite Falls, WA near where he grew up.

It can be two things!

I used to take it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I take isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.

This story is sad for so many reasons. 404 snark not found.

Paul Blart: A Tall Burp

Paul Blart: Mall Cop 3: Brutal Clam Pop All

I feel we should rastafy Deputy Dogg by … ten percent or so.

We at the network want loners with attitude. They're edgy, they're "in your face." You've heard the expression "let's get busy"? Well, these are loners who get "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly.

Small typo. I believe the band you're looking for is *Fine* Young Cannibals. Carry on.

That probably hits exactly what this is lacking. With Pryor & Wilder you always had a sense of danger, that literally anything could happen. Even in a scripted environment. These two are almost too safe to be funny in a concept like this.

Maybe you should get out of the basement and get some fresh air once in awhile, internet.

Even Scarlett Johansson thinks this guy's a fucking creep.