Bruce Wayne

Jesus, I hate it when people say that AoS sucks without watching the entire shows. Admittedly, it has a slow start, but when the Hydra storyline hits, the show grows into its own. Now, in my opinion, is one of the greatest superhero-tv series there is, up there with Jessica Jones and Daredevil. (I'm not counting

I loved this episode. The show has such wild ideas and storylines, that it needs to breathe sometimes in order to still be relevant. If it keeps with the crazy storytelling every episode, at one point it won't be crazy 'anymore', just normal. Having an episode where they cover holes and check out DVD's seems like a

The Leftovers should have its own list, where we can read 'The Leftovers' 45 times. When it comes to the other great shows, I do feel The Expanse and Agents of Shield should get the recognition they deserve. AoS had a great arc, and I'm gonna forgive the finale, cause it gave me the feeling they changed from a series

I'm so glad we'll have a fifth season and I hope, somehow, it won't be its last. This show has really grown. May we meet again.

Gillian Anderson, what an artist! Thanks Brian Fuller for putting her in a show with Ian McShane. This is glorious!

You know you're gonna love the episode when you realize it's a Nora-centric one. I really appreciate how much thought was put into this episode, into this show to be honest. I'm loving it so much I'm not even thinking it's the last season. I'll get in that mind set in episode 6. When the show first came around I was

Fun fact! Dexter's finale was actually written by Scott Buck, aka Iron Fist's showrunner. I've been a skeptic from the moment I heard he'd run it.

How can it get a C+ from the users, when the users haven't seen the show?! I'm not expecting a masterpiece either, it's just that it seems utterly useless and irrelevant to vote a show before you've seen it. It happened last year with Sense8, which was graded by reviewers after only watching 4 episodes. The fans now

Oh yeah, I remember that. It's amazing that they can make us care with so few scenes.

The man who plays Avasarala's husband did a wonderful job with that last gaze at his wife. Just magical. And can we take a moment to appreciate a love story that begins between two different beings on Eros while it crashes on Venus? If that doesn't speak volumes, then I must be blind..

Is anybody else excited to see the old team get back together in Arkadia? If Octavia and Murphy would join, it would almost be a full house..

I have decided not read the reviews anymore, since the reviewer doesn't seem to be invested in the series, but rather telling us what he wishes to see in it. Instead of looking at it as it is.
Now, about the episode. I see people are calling it an action episode. Well, it's not. It tells us that from the title 'On the

And we're back to B- and C+…

With all the lead-up and I still wasn't ready to see Fimmel go. What a great job he did, creating one of the most mysterious, engaging and reliable characters! Skoll for that! Hail King Ragnar!

The cast of Rectify should have a category of their own. The fact that Aden Young hasn't even been nominated once for am Emmy in 4 years is a travesty! And Travis Fimmel must be one of the most overlooked and underappreciated actors in the universe right now. Stop overlooking great performances because of the show's

Netflix can cancel?!

Finally! Expose that hollowness 'The Leftovers'.. We've never been more ready!!

Thandie Newton is a goddess! It's all I have to say.

Mon-El is good, haven't thought about him as being a part of the team, but now that you mentioned him.. I'd rather have a lesser known character with more or less the same powers as Superman. Avoid saturation and all that..

It's not that far off.. We even have a Superman, as of lately. And with all the cross-overs it is believed that they know each other and could possibly work well together.