Bruce Wayne

I love Lyla! Right now she's the best female character in Arrow.. And have you noticed how we've reached a point in which every DC/CW show is a team show? We have
Supergirl; Supergirl, Manhunter, Alex Denvers and Lar Gand
The Flash: The Flash, Vibe, Killer Frost, Harrison Wells and Joe (give or take a Jesse Quick or a

What makes Quarry great, I think, is the fact that it takes time to tell you a story. Now, the plot might not be something you've never seen before (though in some areas it does just that, I'd wager), but the show doesn't aim to be the most original thing on Earth. What it does, however, is build a universe around its

I know this has nothing to do with the article, but I had to comment somewhere.. Is anyone going to review Quarry? I find to be a great show, maybe one of the best shows this year. Still no one talks about it. Does anyone watch it?

Oddly enough, I feel really glad that so many people think Banshee lost its momentum. It will be so much more satisfying to see your surprise faces. I've been watching the show from the very beginning and I've learned to not look for the next step, just be in the here and now, as Job expertly put it. I'm in awe at the

What about Daredevil's renewal?

I was wondering if anyone was gonna get it.. ;)

They sure did! And I actually like the show's unwillingness to explain everything, all the time. It gives the mind room to wander, and wandering seems to be everything. I do appreciate your reviews and your effort to spotlight this story's underlyings or lack thereof. Even if I don't always agree with you, I look

Wtf did I just see? The most intense episode ever. Also, I never thought I'd see an A from you. Skoll!

How can people still bash this show is beyond me..

C-? Did your finger slip?

I loved the scene with Hood at the police station when he said he'll give his blood for the station. I also love that Rebecca is the one who's dead (however weird that may sound), seeing as she always was full of potential of becoming something else (from amish to killer-woman), but with her stopped in her tracks.. it

Arrow is really stepping up! All I can say is.. Give us more Malcolm!! And let the darkh times begin..

Isn't weird that all these episodes and the ones from The Man in The High Castle used to have bigger grades and now look like lesser shows.. I feel so stupid all of a sudden..

I watch The Leftovers! And season 2 was beyond anything I could've imagined, regardless of your grades..

Hey! Thank you for your work. I always look forward to AV's reviews after watching a show, and now I'll have that.

This season is better than season 4. I think that the show found its footing and finally feels like stopped being about Carrie and Brody.

Thank you for the Diane-chain mention. Also, I suddenly remembered Robin. What happened to her and will we ever know?

I am just baffled.. There is nothing like The Leftovers out there, and I am really greatful that we live in an era where stories like these can be told. Thanks, show!

I was hoping this would be my replacement for Banshee.. Why, cruel world, why?

I never thought I'd like Arrow this much. Good job, show!