
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary. I would have preferred him as the Democratic nominee. I, however, didn't throw a fit when I didn't get my way and I voted for the better candidate in the election. Didn't you just say below that the voters get to decide? Now, it's ok to throw a tantrum if your candidate loses

I see your point. Ultimately, I agree with you. I just think it was worth having a discussion about whether the party (which does get to decide who the nominee is) wanted to allow someone like that to represent them. They are at fault for allowing it. The voters do get to decide, but, the candidate has to be able to

Hopefully Congress will fight him, but they aren't the only people with the ability to counter his will. Depending on what he does, I'm counting on the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, Human Rights Campaign, etc. to oppose him in Court if necessary (which will, likely, be decided by the SCOTUS).

I agree. Absolutely we should do all the things you say. As ridiculous as it is to analyze a t-shirt, it is just saying, essentially, "I didn't vote for this asshole." It's not saying to revolt or challenge the election. It, and the protests, are just saying that the Trump administration better be ready for a fight

Hopefully, it motivates people to vote. That's what got Trump elected. We need to motivate progressive people to vote.

Allowing him to run when it was clear that he is not fit. This isn't an ideological disagreement (like it was with republicans and Obama, Clinton, etc.). He is a racist. He is a misogynist. He admitted to sexual assault. He should not have been nominated as the republican candidate.


That guy was defending his presumption of innocence.

Because they are anti-intellectual rednecks who watch Duck Dynasty?

1. He's a professor of performance and screen studies, so I don't think this is for science.

Did the James Brown movie show him trying to shoot his wife and when he got mad because Jews were using the bathroom at a building he owned?

They were formed to pay tribute to Kevin Bacon's character from Footloose. They are actually from Guardians of the Galaxy.

My doctor is a patronizing asshole?

Your mind will soon be blown.

Naughty Zoot!

I like Kiki, mainly because my kids do, but it's no masterpiece. Totoro, on the other hand is amazing. Also, Ponyo.

If we want to stick to plausible, scientifically accurate movies, we will watch documentaries. You can't make a movie about a man that shrinks at will and be scientifically accurate or consistent.

I'll take Things People Said in the 80s, for 200 dollars, Alex.

The cult of the blue horse.

It works when I call people. I don't have any other phones that I use regularly with which to compare it. It's better than the ones I had 10 years ago.