
He knows that readers are very interested in what characters eat and in long, terrible songs.

I'm pretty sure that isn't true.

There is a middle. It just doesn't get ratings or clicks. The right has pulled everything so far in their direction, that most people blindly accept that Hillary Clinton is the second coming of Josef Stalin.

Warriorsaurus Erectus is clearly not over-compensating.

This is incredibly sad. I hope he and his family are able to work through this. Not my favorite director, but certainly not the worst. Nobody should have to bury a child.

Mississippi probably has more Pulitzer Prizes.

Turns out, it was just one Bothan, and he just sprained his ankle.

Maybe people will see it because their gay, Mexican, Muslim son wants to see it.

You could look through the eye hole! Also, you rolled back rubber skin to take his bionics out. Best toy ever.

It is not.

These are the young white males who voted for Trump.

Maybe in a Bond musical

So, she's Wolverine without the metal bones and claws?

There was fake shit in there about Trump too.

Numb, then living life, then, just overcome with nausea and dread realizing that our country is going to have that piece of shit representing us. It sickens me and I try not to think about it all the time because it's going to be a long four years.

I don't hate you. I get that taxes can be oppressive (can't you redesign the parking lot to get rid of the penalty for stormwater - maybe put some green spaces in there?). People are frustrated that we have elected a buffoon, a person who has failed so spectacularly that he only makes money licensing his name at this

and women

His verse on on "Scenario" is one of the greatest in musical history.

So then play the resurrector and give the dead some life

I'm saying throw a tantrum to mean not voting in the presidential election and, therefore, playing some role in Trump being elected. I think we have a responsibility to participate. I can respect Jill Stein voters but not people who took their ball and bat and went home.