
That is a sound argument, sir. The caps really nailed it.

This is actually the same game they have made twice, just upgraded. The first one was just green line graphics.

Explaining jokes always is good conversation, but I think the point of it was a comment on the ridiculous hyperbole of Morrisey's original statement, not to imply that anybody is forcefully fucking chickens..

I don't often agree with Scalia. I like that he is concerned about provacy rights and the 4th Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. I have to say, however, that he would almost certainly realize that none of this has anything to do with the 1st Amendment.

Don't tread on my party.


It's James Franco week.

Tossing a salad involves either jelly or syrup.

I never saw that commercial until just now. The crotch shot was probably unnecessary.

He cannot, because Giant pitchers of Kool Aid are not sentient.

That segment is horrible to watch and involves a rape. This was borderline tasteless enough. It was like the creator was trying to prove that both A Clockwork Orange and GTA deserve the bad reputation they have.

Any particular reason, or are you just being judgmental?

It was the unreleased final Doors album.

You have now been tagged by government computers.

"this is also a movie that believes that a wedding is only “her day,” to be dutifully endured by the patient hubby."

I'd like to think of someone who demonstrates repentant sentimentality.

Blame Steve Martin for this.

I feel the same way about that record, and I still love it.

Why does it have to be an allegation?

Actually, my son had it ruined by another kid at school. He's also not shitty. He's a really nice kid. He now helps us do Santa for his little sister.