
It is. It's a much more involved, complicated lie. It involves lying about many other things (like Elf on the Shelf, Department store Santas, Christmas lists, letters to Santa, NORAD Santa tracking, why poor kids still don;t get christmas presents). It's amazing that ny of us, once we find out the truth, ever trust

He says it was Tommy Lee saying it to the DJs, not to U2 and not about the U2 song. You can support gay rights, or be gay and still find that word funny in context. When Nicholas Cage, at the end of WIld at Heart asks the gang that has surrounded him, "What do you f*ggots want?," it's pretty hilarious.

…and when they do, everybody accepts it without complaint, especially on this site.

This is why I quit grad school and went to law school instead. If I wanted to hear people constantly bitching (and doing nothing) about cultural prejudice, I would have gone ahead with a MFA in English. Instead, I actually help minorities. Stuff like that Smith College protest is completely insufferable to me.

This whole site seems to have been given the directive to apply feminist criticism to everything they write lately. There is some value in that, but it has become increasingly tiresome. Ever since the GOT rape article, it is pervasive. Next week, why the Rolling Stones have marginialized women.

My previous comment aside, I think they would end up in the 3rd circle, for gluttons (in the Inferno, these are basically addicts).

Being devoured by Satan?

That one guy looks kind of like Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber.

Oddly enough, I saw Nick Hornby speak about 10 years ago. He said that he didn't have cultural dealbreakers. He has an autistic child who had a student worker helping him. He was getting a ride from the worker and saw a Britney Spears cd in her car. He said that, while he would have been turned off by that when he was

Falling down also helps.

The lightsaber really doesn't make a lot of sense.

They should have accused him of raping the children. Then he would be sorry.

That comment section quickly becomes examples of everything I hate about everybody.

"likely?" I think the whole "there's not enough proof to even file charges" indicates that it is unlikely that Jameis WInston raped a woman, even going beyond the presumption of innocence.

Isn't it normal for them to remove stuff and add new stuff?

You are lucky your name isn't Haden. That bitch never said my name.

I believe they play both.