Sean Henry

… I could feel that burn from here!


I recognized that binder instantly because … I had one!

You mean Baxter Bayley? Although Gerber is a strangely fitting name for this character…

I guess that's subjective, because out of the entire run there were a few that Dillon didn't draw (origin of Arseface), and I disliked the art in them.

Just re-read the comics. I'm 45 now. They still rock.

This is an idea that had not occurred to me.


We're not calling them crybabies for being fans. I'm a fan and you don't hear me whining.

I think that, since you are now an adult, you should re-read Preacher (and maybe some other Ennis comics). Because they show plenty of emotional depth but you missed it the first time through.

I like the cut of your jib, Afghamistam!

You're not the only one. I love them both for different reasons.

It was "my dear."

An angel and a demon created Genesis, and by this point in the story they've already been punished (destroyed). Did you notice how many times DeBlanc called them traitors, when the two were telling the story in the actual show?

Not true. They were custodians, nothing more (as they explained in the actual show).

In the comic, if Saint of Killers kills someone, they stay very very dead.

When the SAINT OF KILLERS kills someone, yes. They stay dead.

Methane, not nuclear. It can't be both.


Really? I thought that scene was brilliant. It pretty much mimicked the comic, and the cinematography was deadly (looked pretty stunning on my 60").