
Grown Ups has no business on this list.

As usual, the internet is full of retards who don't know a great episode when they see it.

Retard says what?

It was an A episode, unfortunately most people on the internet are retards.

Only an idiot feels cheated.

She was a core member of the group.

Fuck off, you are not in their world, you are living in the comfy world where you can sit home jerking off to internet porn on the computer without having to worry about anything.

The few well trained people he had, Merle killed. People have short memories, so you have to constantly remind people

Don't use common sense, it goes over people's heads.

Spoken like a true retard.

No, it's the best. Now go back to watching Real Houswives of _____

How so ?

Nothing lame about it except for the viewers apparently.

Felt like a season finale to me.

Good, don't watch. It just means one less idiot making moronic statements.

Retard says what?

What is it with idiots like you wanting everything to end now?   I swear you are the kind of person who skips to the end of a book to see what happens.

They are, you are just too impatient to let them play out.

Spoken like a typical internet know nothing.

The episode wasn't poor.