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    I totally agree. Jody is disgusting

    Why should fans "get off Mindy's back about Danny" after all she created the love hate relationship between Danny and fans became invested. The show is definitely not the same without Danny.

    Totally agree.

    The reason I watch the show was Chris Messina. Without him I am not watching anymore

    This was such a bad episode. Mistakes with the engagement ring. No chemistry and actually uncomfortable scenes with Mindy and Jody. No mention of Leo to Cassey. The whole thing with Marcus (Mindy not good enough for Cassey but then he wants to date her???) confused. And is Jeremy gay?…. Ok if he is but let's find

    Agree with everything everything you said except the part of not caring less about Danny and Mindy getting together . I guess I am a believer and have invested a lot into these 2 characters. I domthinkmthe writing has gotten sloppy and I only watch too see Danny and Mindy dinamics. May end soon though if they don't

    Your right in the later part of season 2 and season 3 but prior to that you often heard her say she always wanted to marry rich and stay home and abondand all her friends. When Danny left to help his father he was still under the impression she would stay home when he got back. When he came back she was not honest

    Yes some of this is true however we need to consider as well that Mindy wanted to marry rich have 4 girls and stay home, Then she changed her mind. She wanted brown stone on Manhatan then changed her mind. Then she wanted to open fertility clinic in SAn Franciso then she changed her mind. She wanted to go to Haiti

    I totally agree about Jody. They are trying to recreate Danny,s character in Jody and recreate similar episodes. But you cannot script chemistry. Danny and Mindy have too much chemistry . I want them to work out their issues and get back together. They can bounce eachother out and make it work.

    I don't know. They seem to be gearing up for a Jody and Mindy fling which it happens will be very very disappointing. They writ off Danny because he desperately wants her to be the mother of his children but then set her up with a pervert. I hope that does not happen

    I agree with you. Eye patch ended it with Danny because he was a jerk e.g not paying attention to her likes and dislikes (white wine vs, red wine) . And with Christina it seemed she was the controlling one e.g the pictures of Danny he was obviously uncomfortable about them from the start. Not clear as to why she

    Jody is gross

    Ya she did go to Haiti after considering going and not going. I counted 5 times where she changed her mind. She does not know what she wants.

    Agree. Mis step on the writers part

    Not the best episode. A lot of mis steps. Enjoyed Tamara and Jeremey but no Danny

    You know who I think is a sexist is Jody. He sleeps with his brothers wife. He cheats with Whitney and he sleeps with 19 year olds. Now I do believe the writers have control over his character as he is not away filming. A movie. I think his character is gross

    I agree Danny's character has been totally massacred for convenience sake (Chris Messina filming movie) . It is too bad as his character has so evolved over the seasons due to Mindy. Some viewers are feeling cheated having grown to love the character. I also feel Mindy really needs to grow up. Does she want

    No Danny no good

