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    I miss Chris Messina. They made him good then they made him bad. I want the old Danny back back back

    Agree. They really jerked the audience around

    Totally agree with trying to massacre Danny's character. Mindy is no angel. He at least has been honest about wanting more kids where as she tried to trap him into marriage and dealing with the issue later. I also find she uses people. Having feelings for Danny but going to Hattii with Casey asking Cliff to move

    She has many. Everything Danny said in the parent trap episode. Lazy writing making Danny to be the bad one. She will date just about anyone just to get in the sac.

    So disappointed with last episode. Mindy character so shallow that she just wants to date anyone to the point she forgets to tell date she has a son. What happened to wanting" something real" Danny has been a jerk at times but I would rather be with a jerk with good intentions than with a pervert as it seems

    He could be so distraught over the breakup and other secrets we are not aware yet of that he needs to go for a a lot of therapy which removes him from the show for xxxx no of episodes. When he returns he spends another few months trying to get Mindy back but by this time she has somewhat moved on so it becomes

    I hope not. I will not watch.

    I'm Catholic and divorced. A lot of us like that out there

    Oh no I hope not. No connection there at all.

    Totally agree. It took 4 1/2 seasons to love this character and all of of a sudden we are suppose to hate him. I am still holding on to the idea that the lipstick thing was just a ploy to get Mindy jealous after all he knew she would use his toothbrush.

    I agree with comment below. Chris Messina is why I stuck with show. If they write him off I'm out of here. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole lipstick thing was just a ploy to try and make Mindy jealous along with that stupid conversation about her never wanting to have sex again . Like that is even possible given

    Totally agree they are massacring Danny's character . After it all it is coming from a good place. Too boot Mindy has not exactly been "miss" honesty about not wanting more kids until she was comforted by Danny. And what about confiding outside the relationship with Jody about her intentions on getting married and