
Yeah i get you. Since I knew Matt would live I couldn't take anyone's grief seriously.

The hand has always been disappointing but if Matt made out then Electra for sure did which means Gao did to. I'm bored with Electra but I get shes Matt's crack and he can't quit. Would love to see Gao come back and be a real menace with out the warrior monks. She's great with psychology and getting in your head.

It wasn't like Danny was willing to listen to reason though he wanted to go out and fight. But as soon as he was taken I knew he was going to open the darn thing and talk up a storm while doing it. The last two episodes were not my favorite.

Yeah it was a surprise but I lost interest after that. It just wasn't the same.

He was traveling and would not return for a month, he wasn't in the show sorry.

I know right, who knew a collapsed building could shore up the ground so a city doesn't collapse in in itself. That didn't work for me.

I know I lost interest when Alexandra died. The last two episodes lost all menace.

I cheered when he was killed, I like a good bastard but he didn't add anything but the same old speeches. I was glad we wouldn't have to hear them anymore.

See I didn't believe the death so I was just grumbling at my screen saying come already he ain't dead so this is just filler.

Well Ward was a SHEILD prisoner I'm sure she looked at his file at some point and she worked with the people most affected by his batrayal. Plus she was on the team that chased him when he escaped so learning how he ticked was key.

I want some to create a agents of shield tshirt joking about Fish oil on redbubble I'd buy it.

He said it but I didn't believe him because it seemed like once he heard Skye name in the episode Coulson recruited him he seemed ready to drop everything and follow Coulson even called him boss. I thought he was crazy enough to call it a lovers spat in his head.

I'm worried as the head of HYDRA it's a given he is going to die at some point like all other heads of HYDRA I would have liked him to stay a wild card rather than the big bad.

That's been the case from the beginning and so far no one has addressed it so I doubt they will now.

All of the above maybe?

So it's SHEILD against the Inhumans and Skye will choose the Inhumans well until her eyes are opened as to what really happened.

I can see Fitz/Skye it would be a slow build but I can picture it and a huge improvement on her current taste in men.

Yeah he says what he thinks people expect to hear but he really doesn't believe it that's why its so bad and ackward to say and hear. I believe he misses the team dynamics but he is not sorry he did what he did.

I'm wondering if the conflict Gonzales starts with the Inhumans and SHEILD will make the Inhumans turn to Ward to hold off SHEILD that keeps him in in opposition to SHEILD and forces interactions with Skye. Plus he has a mole in the organization now.

Fury will not be pleased.