
So the vibrations warmed the air as well. (Shrug)

Umm ok maybe because that makes no sense, Daredevil is dealing with the aftermath Loki's attack of New York thats the connection to Avengers 1 and the MCU. Not everything in the MCU has to deal with Fury although I doubt Fury would be happy to hear that.

Isn't Daredevil post Avengers 1 and pre Avengers 2? It's still connected.

I guess we will see then. Only a week to wait :)

Skye vibrated the air underneath it so it floated to the quinjet, Maybe?

Who he has no intention of letting go and Coulson made it sound like he will be the one to start it.

No one else saw it so why would they comment on it. If Ward had seen it he would have made a good job rookie comment and acted all proud since he started her trianing then she would have shot him again.

I say sleeper and it gives him a break from playing the caring boyfriend.

Well if people still think Ward can be redeemed this episode basically proved that is so not the case. He is sorry that he can't hang out with the team but he is not sorry he killed all those people. Yeah he wants back on the team and is willing to forgive them for not understanding him and in his own head he is the

I had a chow/German Shepherd mix who did the same to two people in my family it's not the breed it's the dog, the dog temperament, and training. I didn't blame the dog but myself and my idiot cousin who I got the dog from where it spent it's early life.

If they do the mind wipe I can't see it taking or lasting forever just long enough for SHEILD to feel safe they have him under control and for him to make a play at Skye again and then really screw over the team for good. Then he can morph into being the show's true villain by season 4. I'm going by the assumption

You can change Skye name to Coulson in your post and you have Boat Shields whole motivation (shrug)

I can't see Skye ever taking him back. But Ward is insane and as last night showed he still quite willing to do anything for Skye he won't be able to hide that impulse from 33.

I've been trying to figure out how Ward remains relevant after this season and a main character so this might work.

Poor Mike he can't catch a break he tries to be a good agent use his powers for good and it only goes bad for him each and every time.

Pitt bulls are a misunderstood breed

Yeah it seemed in the beginning he was on the rebound with him thinking yep I'm over Skye so over her but as soon as he realizes this all about her he was all gun ho what do you need me to do boss. Poor 33 if Skye ever gave him the appearance of a chance he would drop her.

Yep not smart on Coulson's part Hunter can't protect Fitz should things get heated between them or if Ward betrays them.

It also shows a lot of trust on Ward since Hunter is wounded and no help should Ward turn, 33 will do whatever Ward says, Fitz when it comes to physical strength is no match for Ward or 33 seems kinda dumb on Coulson's part. Ward could have said screw this I'm out of here.

I'm going to miss Hunter I like him better with the team than with Bobbi.