
So you're upset it's not the bulk of the plot this season?

So kind of like that mike Milligan subplot of last year

I thought Varga existed in the story from before the first episode even. Didn't the one brother take the loan out from him?

This episode sounds fascinating and I am definitely going to start watching now. All I know about this actor/director is that Artie Lange referred to him as a "cold fish" on his podcast.

Tried to get into this because it sounded fun, but maybe I'm just too terrible at video games for it to ever be a fun experience. Spent about 6 hours aimlessly riding through the desert, falling off cliffs, and getting chased down by a dozen bounty hunters at a time for drawing my pistol at a civilian. I think the

With the gearheads I went to high school with, 60 Seconds was insanely popular. I think the vast majority of them would lose their minds if they somehow found a way to tie Memphis Raines into the FF series.

Bay is a good choice. I was thinking who else there might be. Peter Jackson? Judd Apatow?

Yeah, that sounds completely different

This was a bad show

Looking amazingly cool while firing a gun takes some kind of acting ability

Somebody said it runs on him not touching his Tonight Show money

It's not something I care too much about really as long as the note is funny.

Haven't seen Precious, but she's One of my current favorite comedic character actresses. Her hatred for Billy on Difficult People is the best.

Even a mediocre detective would connect the dots pretty quickly now that they've identified the guy. It will be interesting to see if they can really stretch out that subplot much longer.

Hard to tell when Norm is ever being serious or just pulling on some thread that is amusing only to him for some specific reason.

I don't know know anything about basketball or Shaq, but if they were playing the X-file theme I'd venture to guess this was a prepared bit. Unless he has he reputation for being deathly serious or something.

Really like this show, but does this mean Artie Lange isn't a regular? He was such a good pairing with Pete

This knowledge just makes the scene less cool

Tom Hanks brought Chet Haze into this world

I thought she was quite good in On the Road