
Blockbuster filming or not, it still seems like she's sticking to the career path of working with interesting directors.

He seems like a smart guy, but when it comes to Maher I tend to side with Norm Macdonald in finding him completely unfunny.

Wait for real .. so confused .. so real lions but cgi backgrounds and they're gonna make their lips move?

How are they doing this live action

So it's like a home movie, but a gorgeously shot home movie featuring Bill Murray. I'm guessing by 'terrible movie' you're saying you had more of an issue with the script/narrative (lack of narrative?) than with the visual presentation or any of the performances?

He talks about exposing him, but the thing is his views on Islam aren't that far removed from Milo's

A shame, I thought his Batman was the only thing worth watching in that horrible movie, next to the couple minutes of Wonder Woman at the end



Brad Pitt..my original crush. I might have to see this one just to see if he's still as fuckable as he was in Thelma

I mean, he's not wrong.

I think I first got into him when he was wearing that fur coat over his bare chest in XXX


Vin Diesel is hot

Yummy… The Rock and the guy from High School Musical. I'm not sure which one I want to have sex with first.

I still have my New Jersey Hitmen hat

Hey, you stole his own joke


Dumbledore was corrupt as hell
