

What the heck is that beautiful Dinosaur movie that looks almost live action? I must have been asleep at the switch that year

Beethoven 2 had an attempted rape scene. Even the family films got into it.

Wow you're right that make total sense

The special effects in The Thing not aging well is a point of view I can't get behind, but I really enjoyed this article and your breakdown of the construction of that famous scene

The Albert Fish joke is up there for me as well

I recently watched his carrot top discussion with Conan after going down a norm rabbit hole without realizing it was a legendary bit. When the zinger comes, it's just an absolutely perfect moment and a testament to how quick a wit he has.

I think Whedon is a brilliant writer and just kind of there as a director

If I remember correctly, weren't the credits rolling by that point? I agree that was horrible but I pretty much liked everything that came before especially the tense scene underneath the porch.

No to the first. Unsure as to the second. He could have been an outlier, but I'm not aware of any statistical analysis of juggalos compiling their median income or education levels. Can you give me some help?

what is a "screen" lingo for and how did Mr. Uziel become one?

I don't think it's quite so simple always. I had a (white) client who identified as a "juggalo." At the age of 4, his biological father doused him in gasoline and lit him on fire. He survived, only to be sexually molested in foster care. This kid was 18, and lacked completely basic life skills such as knowing how to

Apparently, the real life hotel has really bad reviews, according to a podcast I listened to

Is this evil dead show worth starting

It's not.

A pretty strong theory, seriously?

not so sure he'd have to show actual damages if the alleged defamation is that he's a murderer.

pretty sure he declined because he knew they couldn't meet their standard of proof

Good. I stopped watching around the time the 9-year old kid did it "theory" was shown.

Is Chunk a great big fat person