
Hahahaha right on my man

Hah this IS a parody account!

Sandler would have been much better, no question.

Probably Moonrise

Is this a parody account?

Hopefully I don't have to see him running in this reboot because that is depressing

I didn't know anyone actually liked that James storyline

Funniest show out there right now

Yeah I haven't read the books so I can't speak to that, but as a movie watcher only it was confusing to me that she ended up with Ron because Watson and Radcliffe had much better chemistry.

Owen Wilson and Rachael Mcadams in Wedding Crashers


Shout out to Lord of War, a movie nobody saw but the writer of this episode must have

That generally is the idea

The government still can through probation and parole etc. just not through a sweeping law this broad

Along with a healthy pinch of voter suppression and a smidge of collusion

Small sample size alert

What do you mean by better off? Hasn't he spent the last decade in prison?

"Even stupid people don't confess to murders they didn't commit."


I understand what you're saying now. And the show not living up to the film's standard of realism is probably my biggest gripe.