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    Doctor Strange is definitely the nicest looking of the Marvel films. That said, even though the movie might not be all that great, I still think Man of Steel absolutely CREAMS it in the visuals department.

    I just spent a lot more time on that moment than Team Trump spends on their executive orders.

    I feel pretty good about saying that nobody should ever dial back throwing shit at Sean Spicer.

    Hope you used plastic sheeting.

    "but look how huge it looks in my hands!"

    I hope he tells everyone to check out my sex tape. I could use to move a few more copies.

    I'd never give Verbinski shit. He's hit and miss, but The Ring, Mousehunt, the first two Pirates movies and even parts of The Lone Ranger prove that when he's on point he can make better, more offbeat films than 99% of the directors out there.

    Different strokes I guess, because I watched Ringu after I'd seen The Ring and found it hilariously tame in comparison.

    Yup, this and The Blair Witch Project are the two theatrical experiences I've had where people seemed genuinely fucking scared. There were numerous people crying throughout the screening and ten minutes before the end, around the time Samara is climbing out of the TV, one girl even ran out screaming like she was…

    Is it the annual "Vice Vaughn trying and failing miserably at dramatic acting" day already?

    Is this the AV Club or The Onion? I'm confused.

    Of those it'll probably be Matt Ross. If there's one thing you can trust Warner Bros to do, it's to make the most boneheaded decision possible.


    What, you thought that *everyone* was not aware of this?

    He's actually been growing on me too. Guy's become a nice down-to-earth antidote for the smuggy self-righteousness displayed by John Oliver and Samantha Bee.

    Mind = Blown.

    Neither of them should involve following the Twitter account of an onion.

    We can only hope that Michelle Rodriguez's ultimate revenge includes giving Sigourney Weaver a dick.

    Gods of Egypt?! You disappoint me, Razzies…

    Lets at least wait until he grows up to be a no-doubt awful adult.