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    A lot of stuff felt out of character here. Charlie not being able to rhyme, Dennis wanting an RPG, Dee giving Charlie a valentine's card, Charlie being jealous of a tapeworm (like he thinks Frank is going to LEAVE HIM for a tapeworm. I know Charlie is stupid, but his stupidity always has a weird Charlie-logic that

    Yeah it's *really* weird to me that people enjoyed this episode so much, because watching it, I couldn't stop thinking how "off" it felt, like it was one of those episodes from last season where the characters weren't acting like themselves and the humour was overly sitcom-y.


    Yeah, ranking him even in the vague vicinity of guys like Ratner and McG is fucking ridiculous.

    The second Pirates movie is great and one of the weirdest blockbusters I've ever seen.

    It's certainly an outlier but Beasts of No Nation is one of the best films I've seen in recent years.

    Yes they should follow the precent set by the MCU and make every one of these movies about a really arrogant guy who learns humility.

    Look Shia Labeouf is the worst, but I'm not sure 2.5 hours with bumblebee would be that much better.

    I agree with the "political" part, though "thriller" is overselling i a little bit.

    I do think the response to Yiannolopoulos has been different. Even Tomi Lahren's appearance a couple of weeks back didn't evoke much of a reaction. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with his particular brand of smugness and the way he relishes playing a villain. Dude's like a gay Martin Shkreli.

    Bloody Digusting, which originally released the promo, stressed that there's no real proof it's real. People are just running with it even though it hasn't been released in any official capacity and the original vimeo link has been deleted. Also, apart from being horror-y, it doesn't reflect that Tales from the Crypt

    I'd be surprised if he doesn't. The show very much appears to be headed in a "happy ending for Emma and Dylan" direction.

    That's like expecting Elmo to stand up to Trump should he ever show up on Sesame Street. I know people would've liked Fallon to show backbone, but he's simply not that guy. The best he could've done was not invite Trump on at all.

    "He plays Gi Joe!"

    Hey if they kill the daughter all will be forgiven.



    I'm willing to bet the man isn't a good enough actor to play himself.

    I'll give Franco one thing - he has decent taste in books. It's just a shame that he keeps insisting on buying the rights and messing up the adaptations. Lets just thank our lucky stars that Blood Meridian has been put on hold.

    I love that entire quote because it's acknowledges a problem and proceeds to wave it away with the most weak-ass excuse I've ever read. Sometimes it's alright to just admit that you're making sentimental garbage.