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    The comics are terrible and the black and white art is atrocious. Judging by the fact that no matter how many show runners the series has it keeps becoming stupid as shit, I'd say the real problem is Robert Kirkman.

    Reintroducing Morgan, one of the only decent characters and then killing him off does sound like the type of dumb shit they'd do. But I don't want to see the furore that'll be caused once they kill off ANOTHER major black character.

    Really? Because considering the quality of her prior work I'd say she has the planet's greatest agent.

    They seem to like each other well enough in Avengers 2, they exchange banter once or twice and have mutual admiration which I guess is superhero-movie version of friendship, but you'd really have to stretch your imagination to see it as something meaningful. Cap, in particular seems to sort of dislike Tony.

    That's sort of a reach. Firstly, BVS is the first time these guys meet, so of course they don't get along - Avengers was also three quarters infighting - by the end of BVS, Batman and Superman will form the Justice League so it stands to reason that they're going to be friends.

    I actually like Noah, I just don't think he's the best fit for Daily Show. He'd make a perfectly fine host for any other late night show but Daily Show needs someone who's more passionate and less smug.

    More like stegosore-asses, amirite? UP HIGH!

    Doesn't help that apart from the Morgan episode, the show followed the cliffhanger up with 2 of the worst episodes they've done in years. It makes this season's decent run look like a fluke more than anything else.

    Everybody should be flipping off Rick at all times. When Rick's not on screen people should be saying "thank god Rick's not here" and flipping off the air in his honour.

    Fish are stupid. So so stupid.

    And he wasn't the first. The clip's been making the rounds for a bit. Blevins is merely giving credit to the writer whose story inspired his.

    There's never a way to be 100% sure. Me, I look for the people who seem to lack empathy for individuals. These stands are generally born out of empathy so when a person insists he cares about a particular group while at the same time managing to be callous or a bully to individuals, I don't quite trust him.

    He was also the lead in 12 Years a Slave which everyone and their mothers saw. The deciding factor will be his upcoming role in Doctor Strange. If that doesn't earn him fanbase calling themselves Ejiofans, I'm sorry it's best that he give up acting.

    Yeah, I loved the original so when someone says this film is actually an improvement in every way I expect his review to end with the words "Incredible! A must see!"

    Whoa you just BLEW. MY MIND.

    Bill Burr is one of the funniest stand-ups alive. This doesn't look like a show made by one of the funniest stand-ups alive.

    "What do you think is so bad about the word 'girl?' I'm a girl. And your boss, and powerful and rich and hot and smart. So if you perceive Supergirl as anything less than excellent, isn't the real problem… YOU?!"

    … and WHAT a boy!

    In nanosecond.

    Takashi Miike. If anybody wants to make a sitcom featuring me and Takashi as roommates, I'm game.