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    I feel the same. It was fine I guess, but I have no idea what about It Follows would make ANYONE put it at number 2 on a list of best horror movies.

    Questions of what he is or isn't aside, Frank N Furter's baritone is one of his calling cards. his is clearly an attempt at progressive casting, but I really don't think it's right.

    Why not? Daredevil has a similar tone and it the best superhero series out there by a pretty wide margin.

    If anything, their storytelling focus this season is sharper than it's been in years.

    Not true, Tarantino invented that shot. In fact, not many people know that the car trunk was actually invented because Tarantino was searching for something to shoot out of.

    It's like people have never heard of exploitation films before.

    Hah I'm messing around, this is clearly way worse. But yeah I'm never going to agree that The Flash is creative. I'm probably in the minority here but I think it's pretty terrible.


    Yes, screw this person lining her pockets by taking easy, uncreative advantage of an existing intellectual property, The Flash is returning!


    Needlessly grumpy? Like that cat? You know the one I'm talking about. That cat that's always grumpy. I think its name is Surly Kitty.

    Probably not true? PROBABLY?? We all know that's Hollywood-speak for "definitely yes true!"

    Oh how I wish it were so… Very few shows survive this sort of shakeup.

    Patrick Wilson is way too good looking for the amount of "schlub dreaming of past glories" roles he's received.

    I've worked with Noah a couple times and for what it's worth (don't know him *that* well, so take this with a grain of salt) he's a really, really enthusiastic person which I think can be mistaken for smugness sometimes.

    His standup is alright, but he has an infectious delivery that just does it for me.

    I'm South African, and his accent is actually very light compared to a lot of people living here. It's sort of a mix.


    I really could've used a trigger warning for my spoilerphobia.

    As an aside, why are people so convinced that Melisandre is the key? Maybe I'm misremembering but has there at any point been talk of her being able to raise the dead?