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    He probably really is dead and thought it would be funny to walk around the set in costume and let people photograph him. Just to fuck with us.

    Followed by a hearty "you should definitely watch it!", once again ignoring the fact that we're human beings with 2 very different tastes.

    My favourite was actually season 3. The entire cast ending up in ANOTHER PRISON was so audaciously stupid that I couldn't help but enjoy it.

    Given the low episode order, there's no reason to think it'll go that way. The first season didn't end particularly well, but Heroes only really turned to shit once the creators went "Ok, ummm, we've got a second season…. what do we do now?"

    “Netflix has made 14 shows, take any 14 shows we’ve made—they’re better. Any 14 shows—on average, our shows are better.”

    He's clearly underestimated the power of hipsters. In 20 years we'll all be watching TV on record players while riding our penny farthings.

    Which is ironically what I said, when I read the article. Hahaha… Is that irony? Who cares, hire me NBC!

    "Identity entertainment" is a great way of describing Murphy's shows. It's clearly something close to his heart but it would be nice if he did something else once in a while.

    I love the show but I do find it hard to watch, usually when Fielder pushes the buttons of overly agreeable targets. When he tries to get the world's sweetest lady to put him in her will, I had to watch through my fingers.

    I've never not once felt like they don't take a stand.

    Read "So You've Been Publicly Shamed"

    You're not missing anything. There are people who will claim that certain later seasons are decent, but they're wrong. Yes, there are some good (a couple even great) episodes but the show itself has been aimless since they prevented the apocalypse.

    Maybe he uses the silicon to give his hair that lustrous shine.

    Tell me about it. I think of myself as a nerd, and I'd still never consider LARPing. I think that one's strictly reserved for orthodox nerds.

    No shit. Despite having been voted on by the entire staff it just reads like the year-end list of one seriously fucking white guy.

    Or how every year he'd have a little orphan boy brought to his house just so he could show him all his family photos.

    And yet restaurants always make me wait for a table, even when I insist I'm Chris Hemsworth.

    It's the one where Cartman pretends his hand is Jennifer Lopez and sings all those terrible racist songs.

    To be fair, though I like plenty of them, I'm still waiting for a show to pick up Breaking Bad's mantle of OHMYGODICANTWAITTOWATCHTHIS!

    I think Fincher's a smart enough director to understand when a certain aesthetic is necessary. Utopia is shot very much like a graphic novel and I'm sure he'll do a similar take on it. If anything, it'll probably look like a slightly more colourful version of Fight Club.