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    I know! Carell, Gandolfini, Carrey, Steve Buscemi's wig. It should have been a slam dunk.

    Wait, I thought we were mailing eggs!

    As do I. I haven't been commenting a whole lot, but want Ms Kulick to know that I'm really enjoying her reviews of one of my favourite series ever.

    This episode and the following one (goddamit!) mark the point where Spartacus went from guilty pleasure to MUST-SEE.

    The movie adaptation must be named as often as possible. It's great.

    Exactly. Not seeing the reunion is, conceptually, a really good idea but in practice getting that Andy/Red hug is absolutely perfect.

    For example, was my previous post honest or sarcastic? NOBODY KNOWS!

    Great. Here's hoping they introduce a sarcasm font next.

    Dane Cook

    Yeah he's doing a spot-on Peter Lorre impression.

    It was the first couple. Might no have given it enough of a chance, but watching it seriously started to feel like a chore. I'm usually down with slow-paced as long as there's lots to chew on. I just wasn't feeling it here.

    Treme. I love David Simon and The Wire is perhaps my favourite show of all time so you'd think this would've totally up my alley. But nope, the couple of episodes I watched made Mad Men seem downright action-packed by comparison.

    And they would need James Franco's consent becaaaaaause……..?

    It's almost like he's a regular human being who's capable of making choices in the interest of wealth and self-promotion.

    In this episode alone? Because I've caught references to almost every one of the Coen's flicks since the show started.

    Shouldn't it be We Parrot History?

    "Even at it's worst, SPN is head and shoulders above anything else (except maybe The Big Bang Theory) on tv"

    Damn it Fuller, I liked you so much more before you said that word!

    Yeah, Dexter didn't deserve an opening that good.

    Guess some people dug it but I'm with the reviewer, I thought it was hilarious. Trying way too hard to shock with grimness without any of it feeling organic or earned. That said, I do look forward to the episode where Rick kills Judith and feeds her to Carl.