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    The show started off great but where "House" eventually lost me was in its over-reliance on scenes where people stand around and psychoanalyze each other. I swear, every person who entered that hospital had a degree in psychology.

    Solid is a good way of describing Magic Mike (and MConaughey's abs). It's well-told but never particularly outstanding, though it does have the distinction of being the one time I've ever seen an entire cinema of women stand up and start whooping like they were watching a live strip show.

    I don't get the lock stock or snatch comparison? I watched the entire first season of Elementary and none of the second so maybe there's this gigantic leap in quality that I'm missing but what I saw might as well have been written by ProceduralBot2000 - a flawlessly formulaic mix of uninvolving case of the week

    CBS procedural gets people thinking of CSI so that may have not been the best choice of comparison, but while it's not quite that empty headed, it's perfectly of a piece with shows like Monk, The Mentalist and House. Even at its worst, the writing on Sherlock is of such a higher quality that I find it amazing that

    I've had a few people bust out a sincere "Are you watching Hostages? Man, it's so good!" at me. They were never spoken to again.

    Way to completely ignore the context of the statement.

    Great episode though I'm confused a bit about Butters' complaints re: GoT. There's been a couple of gay sex scenes, but I can't recall seeing any gay wieners on the show, let alone hard-ons.

    The guy's been in 3 episodes and I'm already more invested in Bob than I am in Beth. They could write her off the show without even giving her a goodbye and I don't think I'd notice.

    This… Isn't… SUNDAY!

    That seems to be where they're going, yeah.

    Event Horizon is a loose adaptation of The Jaunt.

    @avclub-6313b25c79122b094fb57b32caa00218:disqus  apart from the fact that Walter White is miles more sympathetic than Underwood, the writers on BB were also smart enough to realize upfront that a Walter White needs a Jesse Pinkman (Pinkman was originally intended to die in the pilot but they jettisoned that idea once

    No editing nomination for cloud atlas baffles me. It's like these people don't even know what editing *is*.

    Possibly my favorite tagline ever, from Chocolate

    Possibly my favorite tagline ever, from Chocolate

    I agree. For a dogged lieutenant, Deb seems oddly disinterested in the details of Dexter's past kills.

    I agree. For a dogged lieutenant, Deb seems oddly disinterested in the details of Dexter's past kills.

    Odds of Deb killing Laguerta or knowingly causing her death before all is said and done? High.

    Odds of Deb killing Laguerta or knowingly causing her death before all is said and done? High.