
I was just watching Trespass with him and Ice T and Bill Paxton the other day…1992 Cube in vintage form

If only 1992 Ice Cube could see whats become of 2000s Cube….and does Charlie Day talk in that horrible Bobcat Goldthwait voice again in this movie, where you just want to punch him?

Keanu playing the stoner to Crispin Glovers speedfreak in Rivers Edge is still his best movie ever…I think he got tagged in the late 80s as the go to guy for stoner surfer dude movies but he can act when its the right role. check out Permanent Record

this tour is still going on? man Slash must have gotten cleaned out by the ex wife

the series should have ended with The Dark Knight…you were neve going to top that

Kimberly Guilfoyle on Fox News is a huge Trump supporter…I would gladly date her (and so would every other guy on the planet)

Artist? He's a poor man's Crispin Glover. At least Crispin has talent

I thought Shia was the troll? He seems to be the ultimate trolls troll

is AV Club secret partners with SNL or something. Can I go on this site without seeing 99 articles on this show?

used to think Pizza Hut was great when I was 12 years old..had it the other day for the first time in 15 years…..utter shit

in his defense the girl lied about her age and he picked her up at an 18 and over club

always thought he was a teeny bopper actor until I saw him hold his own against Spader in Bad Influence…Awesome movie….He kinda branched into being a comedic actor after that but I think Lowe coulda had a great career playing preppy womanizing scumbags like his character in Bad Influence…He did a movie in 88 called

Eminem 8 Mile should be on this list………and how dare we diss Dedee Pfeiffer. She was great in Vamp

maybe they did that too, but one of the most infamous Family Ties eps was Alex doing speed….He then demands Mallory get him the pills from her friend and he throws a little temper tantrum when she refuses…classic stuff…not sure if they were trying to be funny or if it just came off that way…I also remember Uncle Ned

Family Ties "very special episode" where Alex starts doing speed……greatest episode ever….I also remember the AIDS episode of 21 Jump Street where Johnny Depp had to watch out over some kid with AIDS, who was the same kid who was in Night of The Demons…I kept thinking at the time that the dude from Night of the Demons


nobody gives a shit anyway. Minds well cancel it. La La Land is going to win every award and 20 people saw that piece of shit

Coming To America…the last time Eddie Murphy did a movie that wasnt horrible

and Fox News rejoices