
doesnt seem that long ago when Con Air came out, made a zillion dollars and was fronted by 2 A listers, Nic Cage and John Cusack….and now both guys make their career doing the Eric Roberts direct to video route…hollywood is such a cruel mistress

lest we forget her annoying as hell role opposite Andrew Dice Clay in 1988's cinematic masterpiece Casual Sex?

why didnt the celebrities march and protest and scream outrage over flint michigan turning into ethiopia or chicago turning into a war zone? they scream bloody murder over anything trump does, but fuck chicago and fuck the inner cities?

Mel Gibson the racist woman beating maniac gets nominated. Casey Affleck who is accused of sexual assault gets nominated…yet this very same Hollywood HATES Trump becauses he's mean to women? come again?

AV Club is going the SNL route. nonstop pro liberal wah wah wah Trump is the end of the world posts..can we get back to the music and movie reviews? and random roles? did I spoil tomorrows 10 page article on how Obama is the 2nd coming of christ?

The Doors "This is the End"

is Kramer on the show?

I remember when fading 80s actress Meredith Salenger started posting nudes on her myspace after she got her tit job done around 07….i wonder if they are still there…hmmmmmm

why hasnt she left the country like she promised?

i thought she was moving out of the country?

supposedly thats one of the reasons roger o donnell wanted out of the band at that time. He was VEHEMENTLY against it

next "my world of flops" should be about MTV Unplugged in general..the day Korn took the stage….the end of that once iconic show

the 2nd Jack Reacher deserves honorable mention…poor Cruise. the mighty have fallen

at least Kanyes stay in the mental institution did wonders for his mental stability…..errrrr